)。有人在博客中描绘了零售业的“衰退时尚”运动:一大堆奢侈品“优雅”地拜倒在经济危机脚下,其价格早已不可与往日同日而语,商家将此时推出的打折活动定义为“时髦的服务”;还有人专门开设了名为“衰退...在当前不景气的经济形势下,动辄花费数千或数万美元购买一个名牌皮包,的确有些不识时务。昔日一掷千金、面不改色的“时尚达人”如今也洗心革面,开始重新自我定位,变为“衰退达人”,即节省的时尚一族。据《纽约 ……
, in recent years, home ownership has had to fight against an economic crisis (经济危机).A new survey done ……
韩国:经济危机催热英语外教市场据韩国《中央日报》报道,经济危机背景下,赴韩国担任外语教师的以英语为母语的人数未减反增。对此,韩国教育界人士分析说,随着该国英语热的持续升温,对外教的需求也将进一步加大,不会因为经济危机的到来受过多影响。THE total number of people living in South Korea on E-2 visas, issued to native ……
美国中学生如何应对经济危机?词数 290 建议阅读时间 7分钟测试见7版 课件见网站 JODI Hamilton, a New Jersey high school student...," said Jodi.With the deepening of economic crisis (经济危机), many US parents have cut allowances ……
running out of printing paper. The country is dealing with its worst financial crisis (经济危机) since... of printing paper. The country is dealing with its worst financial crisis (经济危机) since 1948, reported ……
爸爸失业不用急,我来帮他找工作!教案见网站 BEN Gullet lives in Florida, the US. Because of the economic crisis (经济危机), his father, Mark, lost his job. Ben decided to help his dad. He created a video and posted (发表 ……
it difficult to reach pre-crisis (经济危机之前) levels. Slow economic recovery (复苏) and the unwillingness ……
and the economic crisis (经济危机) have hit the tradition hard. Surveys suggest that most Spaniards ……
(经济危机), many Americans have no jobs.All Americans like fast food.Many Americans are confused when ……
head of state (10 years) in the European Union. She led Germany out of the global economic crisis (经济危机 ……
人文学科也遭遇经济危机?词数 394 建议阅读时间 6分钟教案和课件见网站WHEN you consider what subject to study in college, chances... scholars (学者) and universities are concerned that in the ongoing economic crisis (经济危机) liberal arts ……
’s economic crisis (经济危机), Sunak said he will “fix the mistakes” made by the Truss...;s economic crisis (经济危机), Sunak said he will “fix the mistakes” made by the Truss government ……
经济危机引发大规模骚乱,阿根廷总统引咎辞职。ARGENTINA has been thrown into crisis (危机) after President Fernando de la Rua resigned (辞职) last Thursday. His decision came just hours after his entire Cabinet (内阁) had offered ……
with GermanChancellor(总理) Angela Merkel.Parth said to Merkel that the J8 believedeconomic crisis(经济危机 ……
German met with GermanChancellor(总理) Angela Merkel.Parth says they talked about theeconomic crisis(经济危机 ……