山西省太原市外国语学校 . . ……
SONG CHEN / CHINA DAILYSONG CHEN / CHINA DAILY中轴线撑起北京的壮美与秩序中轴线撑起北京的壮美与秩序PAGE 4PAGE 4Beijing’s central axis is being considered for UNESCO’s World Heritage status. Walk along it and find ……
中国维和防暴警察抵达海地 CHINA sent 95riot police officers(防暴警察) to Haiti on Sunday to help make Haiti a safer place. They will work with the UN to keeporder(秩序) there. It is not safe in Haiti. About 50 people ……
to learn more about ourselves," said Junior 2 boy Zhang Qi.Speak outHELPafford v. 担负keep... in order 保持秩序attention n. 注意力HELPHELPHELPafford v. 担负keep... in order 保持秩序attention n. 注意力afford v. 担负keep ……
restore production and daily liferestore production and daily life恢复正常生产生活秩序恢复正常生产生活秩序Shanghai has...;。Restore one’s sight 恢复视力,restore order/peace 恢复秩序/和平。例句:He was soon restored to health. (他很 ……
服务残奥 爱国者妙笔动“听”北京近日,为使残疾人能够点图听书,以便及时方便获取丰富的信息、知识,平等共享奥林匹克的欢乐与荣耀,华旗资讯爱国者向中国残联捐赠了1000套采用高新“妙笔”技术的《残奥会秩序手册》和北京《京韵图》。 此次捐赠的《残奥会秩序手册》全都采用了爱国者最新研发的妙笔技术,变看书为听书,只要用妙笔点击《秩序手册》的文字、图片,就能听到关于残奥会竞赛项目、分级、比赛 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
AMERICANS don't put all the dishes on the table at the beginning of the meal, as the Chinese do. They serve the dishes in order (秩序).u Usually there're three courses一道菜).First course: Fruit ……
and frequent cutting in and out of traffic lanes have become a major threat to orderly (有秩序的) and safe ……
最吵闹的这个男孩,你先出去!IT’S the first day of school. The principal (校长) is walking around to see if everything is in order (有秩序). He hears a big noise coming from one of the classrooms.He rushes (冲 ……
cityThe Beijing Central Axis shows Chinese people’s ideals of a capital city北京中轴线申遗成功,展示中国理想都城秩序北京中轴线申遗成功,展示中国理想都城秩序Have you learned about axial symmetry (轴对称) in math? If a city shows axial symmetry ……
; Our future lies with integration into a stable world order.(我们的未来在于融入一个稳定的世界秩序)。比如: the integration... world order.(我们的未来在于融入一个稳定的世界秩序)。 ……
10月5日,游客在天坛公园祈年殿前游览。2024年7月,“北京中轴线——中国理想都城秩序的杰作”被联合国教科文组织列入《世界遗产名录》。今年...;—中国理想都城秩序的杰作”被联合国教科文组织列入《世界遗产名录》。今年国庆假期,北京中轴线上的各个遗产点也迎来了游览高峰,大量中外游客探寻中轴线之美,感受其独特的文化魅力。来源 ……
摘自: 图观时事[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
of the confusion would have happened! 如果每个人都遵守正确的秩序,那这些混乱根本就不会发生!STAR SENTENCESSTAR SENTENCESSTAR SENTENCES... of the confusion would have happened! 如果每个人都遵守正确的秩序,那这些混乱根本就不会发生!* They moved at a snail's speed because ……
mother gave him a kiss and said sleep tight.注: 当某人要睡觉时,我们对他说:,代表希望他睡得又舒服又安稳,就像我们以tight ship形容秩序井然、开得又稳又好的船一样。 ……
: a)trial and error: 反复试验5. Correct answer: d)law and order: 法律与秩序6. Correct answer: b)a) "Forever ……