the US organized calls for racial equality (种族平等). Many people began to realize the importance... social distancing. People across the US organized calls for racial equality (种族平等). Many people began ……
(支持) things like racial fairness (种族平等).Lately, the Super Bowl has also become a place for talking about important issues (议题). Football players and teams support (支持) things like racial fairness (种族平等 ……
for social justice (社会正义) and racial equality (种族平等).”Wendy Wang is a recent graduate of Central... of those bars and ask for social justice (社会正义) and racial equality (种族平等).”Did you know ……
要点提示 种族平等似乎已成为了当代美国人的共识,但现如今,一些美国高校正积极鼓励学生要做“色知”而非 “色盲”,这是什么原因呢?且看本文作者对此的看法。When I was at university in London in the early 1990s, Michael Jackson’s mega-hit Black or White was forever *blaring ……
. TNS黑人少女积极倡导种族平等。黑人少女积极倡导种族平等。Marley Dias is just 15 years old, but her work ethic (职业道德) is stronger..., then hold meaningful conversations about empathy (同理心), equality and anti-racism (反种族主义).Dias hopes ……
for racial equality (种族平等). That’s why some fans call them “Warmplay”. My favorite... and that protect the environment. They have also called for racial equality (种族平等). That’s why ……
雷这个曾经做过北方奴隶贩子的种植园主,则显得极端残忍。据说林肯总统1862年见到斯托夫人时说:“这就是那位引发这场伟大战争的小妇人。”虽然这句话可能是后人杜撰的,但这句话还是极大地增加了这本书的影响力。对于我们这些致力于实现种族平等 ……
the Martin Luther King Jr. Day. People reflect on the work that he has done for racial equality (种族平等).Each.... People reflect on the work that he has done for racial equality (种族平等).King, an African-American ……
;adj. 种族的常用语块:racial equality 种族平等同根词:race n. 种族They have ended racial discrimination in areas such as employment.racial adj. 种族的常用语块:racial equality 种族平等同根词:race n. 种族They have ended ……
. 种族的常用语块:racial equality 种族平等同根词:race n. 种族They have ended racial discrimination in areas such as employment.racial adj. 种族的常用语块:racial equality 种族平等同根词:race n. 种族They have ended racial discrimination ……
种族歧视;racial equality 种族平等 racial equality 种族平等 同根词:race n. 种族同根词:race n. 种族... was poor.It was raining heavily and visibility was poor. racial adj. 种族的;人种的  ……
为了自由与平等而献身的他究竟有着怎样的梦想?EDITOR'S note: Martin Luther King devoted his life toracial equality(种族平等) and died for his beliefs.We have selected part of his famous "I Have a Dream" speech in the newspaper ……
有一个黑人和一个白人坐在联座上,并至少有一名黑人坐在前排座位。这些座位在奉行种族隔离政策的当地是留给白人乘客的。其他人分散坐在巴士的其他位置上。有一个人需遵守种族隔离的规定以防止被捕。当其他的自由乘车者被捕后,他负责联络争取种族平等...过做出了巨大贡献。1964年民权法案结束了美国自立国以来长期的黑白种族隔离政策,也规定对黑人、少数民族与妇女的歧视性作为为非法。而1965年通过的《投票权法案》规定,任何人都不应该因种族 ……
普谈到了恢复法律与秩序,他准确地引用了一组纽约谋杀率上升的数据,并指出这都应该归咎于希拉里等人,因为他们认为之前成功实施的“叫停-搜身”行动违宪而终止了该行动。而在说到犯罪和正义时,希拉里认为在美国种族决定了太多东西,并富有感染力地表示美国需要更多的平等保护和种族平等。(原文中本段的翻译有奖征集中) 在举止、姿态、自信心和深度方面,希拉里完胜。但她做的或者可能已经做的任何事都无法改变其局内人的身份,而这 ……
文化背景Cleo Wade是一位兼具艺术家、诗人身份,并大力支持性别和种族平等的跨界大师。她一向利用社交媒体传播积极正面的理念,倡导关心他人、与人为善的理念。她的作品Heart Talk: Poetic Wisdom For a Better Life面世后非常畅销,其中的文字通俗易懂又充满力量。爱、接纳、平等、和平这些理念源源不断地出现在Wade的演讲、作品以及思想之中。在这段演讲中,Cleo ……