美国电影协会(MPAA: Motion Picture Association of America)公布的统计数据显示,美国电影票房(box office)已连续三年下降, 全球票房收入也在下降,全球电影行业(the film industry)面临挑战。电影的票房收入通常是指每部电影放映期间累计之总收入(gross)。为了提高票房收入,影片杀青(in the can)后,电影 ……
draw on借鉴,利用They drew on the advantages of Hollywood movies and made a blockbuster. 他们借鉴好莱坞电影的优点,做出了票房大片。 ……
TENCENTTENCENT贾玲成中国影史票房最高女导演。贾玲成中国影史票房最高女导演。Jia Ling has become the highest-grossing female film director in China after directing her first film.Jia Ling has become the highest-grossing female film ……
20th Century Fox20th Century Fox《阿凡达》 重映,再夺全球票房冠军。《阿凡达》 重映,再夺全球票房冠军。Avatar comes back to the big screen in China, sparking excitement among sci-fi fans.Avatar comes back to the big screen in China ……
一部爆笑喜剧为何能成为票房黑马?A movie about a female journalist and a male boxer exchanging their bodies became a black horse in China’s box office during Golden Week of the National Day holiday. ……
《黑豹》为什么能连创票房纪录?PAGE 8A new Marvel film stars a superhero inspired by a jungle cat. The film has set several box office records for the company. Here are the reasons behind its success. ……
SHINE ASIASHINE ASIA刘昊然:年轻的“百亿票房”演员刘昊然:年轻的“百亿票房”演员Liu Haoran is only 23 years old. But his films have already earned over 10 billion yuan at the box office. What is his secret ……
,” said Mark. But his efforts finally paid off. The movie is a box office (票房) hit since coming out...影星赵又廷是个吃苦耐劳的明星。在电影《狄仁杰之神都龙王》中,他要绑上铅块沉入水里。尽管拍水戏吃尽了苦头,但付出总会有回报。这部电影自上映以来票房大卖,而他最近也被冠上了台湾男星票房王的称号。 ……
, the best draw ever for a Chinese film.本句描述了电影《小时代》票房上的成功。rock the box office表示“引起票房轰动”;draw在这里的意思是“总收入(total earnings)”。句意为:该影片引起了票房轰动,第一部上映首日票房就达到了7300万的影片,对于国内电影来说打破了首日上映的票房纪录。长难句分析2. But Tiny Times has ……
成功的书或电影”,此处可译为“票房黑马”, 它的近义词还有chart-topper,指“(音乐)排行榜冠军”,以及mega hit,指“引起大轰动的事物或作品”。电影《热辣滚烫》4月10日结束全国公映,最终票房34.6亿,打破中国影史春节档剧情片档期票房纪录。Blockbuster意为“一鸣惊人的事物,非常成功的书或电影”,此处可译为“票房黑马”, 它的近义词还有chart-topper,指“(音乐)排行 ……
面上看是“可投资的”,就是我们常说的“有票房号召力的”,常用于形容演员或导演。而“卖座的”电影,可用box office hit来形容。Box office flop和box office bomb则相反,指“票房毒药”。 ……
got 55 million yuan. Box office bomb指“票房毒药”,也可以说box office flop,卖座影片则是box office hit。文艺片名导陈果初次执导商业片,原想赚个盆满钵满,却不料成了票房毒药。 ……
佐伊·索尔达娜参演多部大片。US actress Zoe Saldana could be called the “Box Office Queen (票房女王)”. She has starred in three movies whose box offices each reached $2 billion (13.55 billion yuan) or more, becoming ……
China单日票房纪录single-day box office recordChinese New Year’s Day saw China beat its single-day box... opening day ever for China’s homemade movies.除了box office record, “票房纪录”还可用ticket office record表示。可与 ……
形容电影等领域的营收,同义词有highest-grossing, highest-earning。随着电影《飞驰人生2》的成功,沈腾主演的电影票房累计超过335亿元,超过吴京,成为中国影史主演电影票房最高的男演员。Top-grossing意为“赚钱最多的,收入最高的”,通常形容电影等领域的营收,同义词有highest-grossing, highest-earning。随着电影《飞驰人生2》的成功,沈腾主演的电影票房 ……