to be very careful before they agree to endorse any given product.明星代言某个产品前都需要非常谨慎。 70码70 kph Early... kph. The vehicle had been modified for racing. "70码"听着像"欺实吗", 于是这个词便成了欺瞒事实的代名词在网络间广泛流传开来。"码"(yard), 本是 ……
appeared, such as charging fees (收费) for centralized isolation (隔离) and changing the color codes (码... the color codes (码) of people’s health apps to stop them from moving. Tuo Jia, an official ……
) was damaged. Kim ran the 50 yard (码) dash in the 68 Special Olympics. He was running in the finals... at the sports meet.释义:Kim在超出第二名20码,距离终点10码的时候回头看了一眼后面的运动员。词汇:when conj. 在这里可译为“这时”。I was cooking dinner ……
). The gun sounded (发出响声), Kim was 20 yards (码) ahead and 10 yards from the finish line when he looked back ……
赛场地两端距球门柱(goalpost)内侧5.5米处的球门线上,向场内各画一条长5.5米(6码)与球门线垂直的线,一端与球门线相接,另一端画一条连接线与球门线平行,这三...在球门后面的门柱及门楣和地上。罚球区(penalty area / penalty box)在汉语中也叫禁区。在比赛场地两端距球门柱内侧16.5米(18码)处的球门线上,向场内各画一条长16.5米与 ……
suffering from burns作后置定语,修饰species。释义:然后,她买了18码(约16.45米)布料,缝了25个不同大小的袋子,把它们运送到澳大利亚野生动物救助组织(FAWNA)。该组...置定语,修饰species。释义:然后,她买了18码(约16.45米)布料,缝了25个不同大小的袋子,把它们运送到澳大利亚野生动物救助组织(FAWNA)。该组织是救援考拉、袋鼠 ……
suffering from burns作后置定语,修饰species。释义:然后,她买了18码(约16.45米)布料,缝了25个不同大小的袋子,把它们运送到澳大利亚野生动物救助组织(FAWNA)。该组...species。释义:然后,她买了18码(约16.45米)布料,缝了25个不同大小的袋子,把它们运送到澳大利亚野生动物救助组织(FAWNA)。该组织是救援考拉、袋鼠 ……
) _____ (name) Kim Peck. He was disabled.Kim ran the 50-yard (码) dash (短跑) in the 1968 Special ……
摘自: 短文填空模拟训练[黑龙江省克音河中学 谷俊明, 21世纪学生英文报·初三版]
the ball ten yards (码). They can carry it or they can throw it. If they move the ball ten yards ……
育课后将换掉的运动鞋放在操场上忘记带走了。你该如何寻找自己丢失的运动鞋?请写一份寻物启事。30-40词 提示词:运动鞋 sports shoes 型,号,码 size 遗忘,忘带,落下 left七年 ……
74. _______ Kim Peck. He was disabled.Kim ran the 50-yard (码) dash (短跑) in the 1968 Special Olympics ……
chances to move the ball ten yards (码). They can carry it or they can throw it. If they move the ball ……