盗窃罪门槛threshold for theftAnyone who steals money or belongings worth 1,000 yuan and above will be subject to criminal law, according to a new threshold for crime published by the Supreme People ……
jailed (监禁) for two years and six months in 1992 for the crime of theft (盗窃罪). This time his crime ……
正试图借梯子爬进一家体育用品商店一层的窗户行窃。这名美国男子当机立断,立即拨打越洋电话报警,英国警方迅速赶到现场,以盗窃罪为名逮捕了三位犯罪嫌疑人。Nepali boy, world's smallest person ?半米... of burglary.上月25日,美国得克萨斯州一名男子协助远在4600英里以外的英国利物浦警方破获了当地马修街上发生的一起入室盗窃案。当时,这名 ……
摘自: 趣文赏析[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]