arthritis (关节炎), his skin is wrinkled (有皱纹的) and his hair is falling out. Owen is weak and moves slowly ……
turned around to find a wrinkled (满脸皱纹的) , little old lady smiling at me. ……
does she look like? She looks a bit fat. She has long grey hair. Her face is wrinkled (有皱纹的). She ……
Bieber shared their wrinkly (有皱纹的), grey-haired selfies (自拍) on social media.FaceApp helps us stop ……
wrinkled (皱纹很多的,满面皱纹的)eg, He's wrinkled as a prune.(他满面皱纹。)prune faceexp. wrinkled face (which looks like a prune) (满是皱纹的,看起来像洋李干似的)Pumpkin(南瓜)exp. (term of endearment)sweetheart, honey (爱称:亲爱的,宝贝)eg, Hi ……
who could just walk – as soft and as dimpled (有皱纹的) a little atom as ever came to a wolf... could just walk – as soft and as dimpled (有皱纹的) a little atom as ever came to a wolf ……
a kind granny put her wrinkled (有皱纹的) and shivering (颤抖的) hands on mine as if I were her dearest ……
to the scorching (炽热的) sunlight for years, her skin was blackened and wrinkled (遍布皱纹的). But still ……
, “Where are you from?” Turning around, I saw the wrinkled (有皱纹的) face of an old lady with a kind ……
to the point where we're toothless andcrumpled(皱纹的), we may sit in our rocking chair (摇椅) and look back ……
to the point where we're toothless andcrumpled(皱纹的), we may sit in our rocking chair (摇椅) and look back ……
to the point where we're toothless andcrumpled(皱纹的), we may sit in our rocking chair (摇椅) and look back ……
(有皱纹的) than I am now, I’ll still love him and want to tuck (给……盖被子) him in,” Bullock said. “He asked ……
were so wrinkled (有皱纹的) and bruised. This was the first time the youth had realized ……
(布满皱纹的) face and sightless eyes, I stopped 11 . Waves of sympathy washed over me, and I 12 ……