拉尔夫正聚精会神地做填字游戏。“噢,该死的,又错了!”随后他又庆幸地说道:“幸亏我一直都用铅笔做填字游戏,这样就能把错误擦掉。”他拿橡皮用力地擦啊擦啊擦,结果把纸都擦破了。“完了!”他翻着白眼感叹。 ……
place a person can smoke without getting adirty look(白眼) is in his or her own home!The government ……
IN the US, there is an excuse commonly used by students who forgot to do an assignment (作业): “My dog ate my homework.” Teachers usually just roll their eyes (翻白眼) in response. The US Treasury ……
there rolling her eyes (翻白眼)” throughout the event. Thus, it is clear that many people are determined ……
of her rolling her eyes (翻白眼) attracted millions of people on the Internet. 总第510期答案:乔任梁 获奖名单:倪宁宁 猜到 ……
popular memes, too. TV hostess Dee Hsu rolls her eyes (翻白眼). Actor Zhou Jie shouts with anger (愤怒 ……
to get rid of an incredible (了不起的) dog like that?” The owner rolled his eyes (翻白眼...; The owner rolled his eyes (翻白眼) and said, “Because he’s a liar! He never did any ……
的佳句诵读About the only place a person can smoke without getting a dirty look is in his or her own home!大概只有自己家才是人们唯一能吸烟而不会得到白眼的地方。 ……
. (P3)5. 他(不满地)翻了个白眼。He rolled his eyes. (P6)二、电影:1. 这部电影讲述了一个名叫Better的总爱惹麻烦的男孩的故事。他什么事情都做不好,还会 ……
我惊慌失措。看我手忙脚乱的样子,她翻了个白眼。Fix A up with B的意思是“撮合A和B在一起”,roll one’s eyes就是中文里的“翻白眼”,常表示鄙视或者不满。需要帮忙,话很多,喜欢 ……
never made my blood boil) my mother would roll her eyes.Roll one’s eyes指因为不相信或不耐烦而翻白眼,如 Harry... times. (哈利好不容易才忍住没翻白眼。这个问题已经问了不下五六次了。)“I should have named you ‘Go’!” she’d say. “Go is all you do ……
头击打”。这句话的大意是,在内心深处,她总是存在着激烈而又长久的思想斗争,所以也可看出,她也怀有几分内疚感。难句解释Roll eyes指“向上转动眼睛、翻白眼”(to move your eyes upwards),在英语中,这一动作表示对某人或某事“厌烦、恼火。”这句话的大意是,到最后,我们只好翻翻白眼,无奈地对对方说,好吧,我爱你。If she ever suffered guilt, my ……
, not weakness:落泪是有原因的。眼泪是你的力量,不是弱点。在此处,马安慰小男孩,让他明白眼泪不是脆弱的象征,而是强者外露的情感,落泪意味着不再躲藏,坦荡地面对困难。● Tears fall for a reason. And they’re your strength, not weakness:落泪是有原因的。眼泪是你的力量,不是弱点。在此处,马安慰小男孩,让他明白眼泪不是脆弱的象征,而是 ……
with a shrug (耸肩). 小试牛刀小试牛刀(一)翻译下列句子。(一)翻译下列句子。1. 亚历克斯翻了个白眼,表示他不同意小组的决定。1. 亚历克斯翻了个白眼,表示 ……
which shows that you think sb or sth is foolish or annoying (因为不相信或不耐烦)翻白眼He rolled his eyes at his ……