外语游园会又添新亮点 市民齐心献力迎奥运
本月16日,以“迎奥运学外语”为主题的“第三届北京市民外语游园会”在市劳动人民文化宫举行,第一天就迎来了近3万英语爱好者。同往届相似,新东方学校、华尔街英语培训中心等数十家著名外语培训机构如悉参加。在游园活动现场,各外语讲座、外语角、游艺活动及咨询报名台前都围满了前来参加活动的群众。“外语闯关游戏”、“外语猜谜一条街”等诸多互动性游戏吸引了大批市民参与。但是,游园会的新内容——火爆的“迎奥 ……
今年春节,电影《流浪地球》火了!这部改编自刘慈欣同名科幻小说,由郭帆导演,吴京、屈楚萧、李光洁等出演的科幻冒险电影获得口碑与票房双丰收,成为中国电影市场和中国科幻电影史上的一部现象级大片. 《人民日报》发文为《流浪地球》点赞:. “在《流浪地球》里我们看到了一种理念,一种将全人类团结在一起‘集中力量办大事’的理念”;. ……
继去年爆火的山东淄博烧烤后,甘肃的天水麻辣烫同样登上了网络宣传的快车. 得益于地方文化特色挖掘、互联网和社交媒体的传播效应,天水麻辣烫迎来了新一波“泼天的富贵”. ……
MANGO TV推理综艺的火爆秘诀推理综艺的火爆秘诀Celebrities gather clues to escape from mysterious rooms Celebrities gather clues to escape from mysterious rooms ……
ICIC火爆全球的防弹少年团再破记录!火爆全球的防弹少年团再破记录!South Korean boy band BTS is breaking barriers and records around the world.South Korean boy band BTS is breaking barriers and records around the world.PAGE 4PAGE 4 ……
VCGVCGNFT火爆,数字艺术时代是否即将到来?NFT火爆,数字艺术时代是否即将到来?Non-Fungible Tokens, or NFTs, are taking the digital art world by storm. PAGE 4Non-Fungible Tokens, or NFTs, are taking the digital art world by storm ……
PROVIDED TO TEENS 传统越剧融入新意,火爆出圈 传统越剧融入新意,火爆出圈 Shaoxing Opera wows youth by mixing traditional and modern elements PAGE 8Shaoxing Opera wows youth by mixing traditional ……
个同学非常亲密。)a hair-trigger temperMeaning: A tendency to become angry very easily 一触即发的火爆脾气Example:His hair-trigger temper can fly even toward his best friends. (在最好的朋友面前他也照样脾气火爆。) ……
美国最火爆的国家公园。词数90 建议阅读时间2分钟Americans are known for their love of the outdoors. Each year, millions of people travel to national parks in the US.The chart on the right shows the top five most visited US ……
最火爆的圣诞礼物:一颗会孵化宠物的神秘蛋。Do you want to help a baby animal grow up? It sounds like life at the zoo. Well, with this toy, you can experience (体验) it at your home. The toy’s name is Hatchimal. It is an egg ……
最火爆的圣诞礼物:一颗会孵化宠物的神秘蛋。Do you want to help a baby animal grow up? It sounds like life at the zoo. Well, with this toy, you can experience (体验) it at your home. The toy’s name is Hatchimal. It is an egg ……
comes from, he is king. The monsters believe him. Carol is one of them. He is hot-tempered (火爆 ……
港海港城,维多利亚港变成了大“澡盆“,立刻引来火爆围观。 ……
share a hit among your friends.Hot (热辣,火爆)Cute (超萌,可爱)Funny (爆笑)Shocking (震惊)Moving (感动)Random (随意 ……
that a cigarette butt or *spark caused the fire.当细小的粉尘颗粒(fine particles)在空气中累积到一定浓度(concentration)时会遇火爆炸。金属、煤炭、粮食 ……