看看温哥华冬奥会吉祥物,它们可是全部来自加拿大的神话传说哦。 CANADA will hold the 2010 Olympic Games inVancouver(温哥华). Do you know theirmascots(吉祥物)? Let's take a look at them.Quatchi (center) is a man with big feet. He is shy ……
Hello! We are new Olympic (奥运) Mascots. 你将会在2010年加拿大温哥华的冬季奥运会上看到我们。I'm Quatchi. 我是一个北美野人。I'm Sumi. 我是一个动物精灵。My name is Miga. I'm a bear. ……
芝加哥巴黎温哥华Top 10 Cities to Visit in 20141.Paris, France2.Trinidad, Cuba3.Cape Town, South Africa4.Riga, Latvia5.Zürich, Switzerland6.Shanghai, China7.Vancouver, Canada8.Chicago, Illinois, USA9.Adelaide ……
in the 2006-07 season.Meet Canada's fuwaTHE 2010Vancouver(温哥华) Winter Olympics now have threemascots(吉祥 ……
据加拿大《明报》报道,加拿大统计局近日公布的2006年上班族使用语言调查显示,在温哥华都会区,母语为汉语的华裔上班族,在工作时不曾使用英语的人数比例,竟高达14.6%至15.6%,而在多伦多,在工作时不说英语的人数比例,居其他族裔之首。加拿大卑诗大学地理系教授希伯特表示,在加拿大即使不说英语或法语同样可以就业,并非每项工作均要求英文或是法文流利,而是视不同行业性质,即不同的行业有不同的语言要求。 ……
冬奥会冠军周洋的两个梦想。ZHOU Yang, 18, won* two gold medals (金牌) at the Vancouver (温哥华) 2010 Winter Olympics. Zhou was* very happy. Her dream came* true! But it was not Zhou’s only dream. She also hoped* her ……
. Vancouver (温哥华), Canada ……
北美第一家集汉语教材展示、交流和推广于一体的多功能基地——“北美汉语教材推广中心”近日在加拿大温哥华投入运营。中心展示了数十种共上万册汉语图书、音像制品,教材类型有汉语教材、教辅...全面展示了目前最权威的汉语多媒体教材;二是优,中国汉办为该中心提供了最优质的汉语教学资源,希望以此为基地向北美乃至世界推广;三是快,通过该中心,中国汉办将为温哥华、加拿大乃至北美地区提供最直接最快捷的汉语教材服务。 ……
a lot of big concerts.The third city on the list is Vancouver (温哥华), Canada. It used to be No 1... citiesAustralia Melbourne 墨尔本Austria Vienna 维也纳Canada Vancouver 温哥华Canada Toronto 多伦多Canada Calgary 卡尔 ……
) in the air. 陈思扬 外援来自加拿大温哥华 Some scientists (科学家) say the sound of rain can help people sleep well ……
充满乐趣的温哥华If you travel in Canada, Vancouver is a must-go city. It has a history of only about 200 years. It’s much younger than most cities in China. But it’s very beautiful and interesting. Let ……
充满乐趣的温哥华If you travel in Canada, Vancouver is a must-go city. It has a history of only about 200 years. It’s much younger than most cities in China. But it’s very beautiful and interesting. Let ……
at Vancouver (温哥华), Zhou won her first Olympic gold in the same race.After the first gold, the excited Zhou ……
in bright colors, from Beijing and Barcelona, to Vancouver (温哥华) and London.The Color Run is a great ……
我在加拿大温哥华度过万圣节。Halloween is a holiday celebrated in a number of Western countries on Oct 31. In Canada, we celebrate Halloween, too. Students dress up in costumes (服装) for school and teachers usually ……