由中国日报社二十一世纪英文报上海分部主办的第六届“21世纪学乐杯”全国中学生英语演讲比赛上海地区决赛于2007年11月18日揭晓。世界外国语学校汪荣、东格致中学金秋远、上海复兴初级中学陈新等三位同学荣获初中年级特等奖;华师大二附中李嘉炜、市三女中闵舒晴、复旦大学附属中学邓天媛三位同学荣获高中年级特等奖。启秀实验学校患有肢体障碍疾病的姚武斌同学荣获初中年级二等奖。 ……
飓风海地造成千人伤亡 HURRICANE Jeanne brought heavy rain to Haiti last week. By Monday, 1,650 people were dead. About 300,000 peoplelost(失去) their homes in the rain. In west Haiti, about 60,000 children can ……
中国维和防暴警察抵达海地 CHINA sent 95riot police officers(防暴警察) to Haiti on Sunday to help make Haiti a safer place. They will work with the UN to keeporder(秩序) there. It is not safe in Haiti. About 50 people ……
Asia;8 would be from South and Central America, and the Caribbean (加勒比海地区);5 would be from Canada ……
America and the Caribbean (加勒比海地区). By 2050, India will be the country with the largest population ……
海地学生在监狱改建的学校里上课。 海地学生在监狱改建的学校里上课。 These students are having classes. There are no big windows, no bright lights and no good desks in their classroom. This is because the school building ……
VCG海地粮食问题愈加严峻海地粮食问题愈加严峻A boy was treated (接受治疗) at the Fontaine Hospital Center in Haiti, a country in the Caribbean (加勒比地区) , on May 29. This hospital often treats weak children who do not have ……
people are from Africa and The Caribbean (加勒比海地区). Every year, people around the world come to London ……
上海地铁逃票者个人信用将受损credit blemish for Shanghai subway fare-dodgersFare evasions on the Shanghai subway will be recorded in the public credit information system as part of the city’s latest effort to crack ……
和范文。希望同学们不断取得进步!本期模拟题目:2010年1月13日,海地发生了7.3级地震,造成了巨大的人员伤亡。假如你是李华,在《21世纪学生英文报》上发表倡议书,呼吁中学生对海地进行救援。内容...及食物。倡议尽全力帮助海地人民,捐出自己的零花钱,给他们精神方面的支持,帮助海地人民重建家园。受灾情况死亡人数多达23万,无数人受伤,其中还包括中国八名维和人员;生还者无家可归,缺少必需品;疾病 ……
确指出所对应的国家,便能获得这张颇具纪念意义的“纪念单”。 上海地铁双语服务迎世博为迎接世博会,上海地铁9月18日举办了“迎世博600天”地铁窗口服务岗位英语风采大赛,以期进一步提升地铁窗口的外语服务水平。据悉,自今年5月起,上海地铁便组织窗口服务岗位职工,进行了为期4个月的英语服务用语征集活动,收到英语服务用语共计3600余句,涉及购票、指路、安全、应急等多个方面。据了解,上海地铁将持续举行“迎世 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
我们为海地地震受灾者伸援手,献爱心。课件及教案见网站 WHEN the earthquake (地震) hit Haiti, students at Oak Harbor Middle School, in Washington of US, did something to give a hand. They started a program called Helping Hearts ……
(海地地震 ), I’m moved to tears! – By Ma Jing (马婧 )Dog: I can’t sleep well because I’m afraid ……
上海地铁逃票者个人信用将受损。词数 130 建议阅读时间 4分钟 TAKING the subway without buying a ticket may save a little money. But be careful. It may make you unqualified (无资格的) to borrow money from the bank.The Standing ……
美国中学生制作3D打印玩具,送给海地的孩子们。Most children love toys. But do you make your own toys? Seventh-graders at Central Middle School in Connecticut, US, really did. They made toys using a 3-D printer in science ……