(低洼地) near the swamps (沼泽). Here, our own Black people had been working this land a hundred years...; the bottomland (低洼地) near the swamps (沼泽). Here, our own Black people had been working this land ……
the path was washed out. With a wire tied to some trees, my friends swung across the wash-out (洼地). However ……
evacuated by Saturday evening. The mine was ordered to stop operations following the incident.Cave-in,地陷进去后形成洞穴似的低洼地 ……
of the universe.CHINA DAILY-TEENS Learning FASTLocated in a naturally deep and round depression (洼地... FASTLocated in a naturally deep and round depression (洼地) in southwest China’s Guizhou Province, Five ……
诺贝尔文学奖瑞典文学院日前宣布了2009年度诺贝尔文学奖得主,罗马尼亚裔德国女作家赫塔米勒最终折桂,成为历史上第12位荣获该奖项的女性作家。据了解,赫塔米勒1953年生于罗马尼亚,是德国著名的小说家、诗人及散文家,作品多由德语写作,后被译为英语、法语等多个语种的版本,其代表作有《我所拥有的我都带着》《光年之外》《行走界线》《河水奔流》《洼地》《那时狐狸就是猎人》等。诺贝 ……
摘自: 新闻公告牌[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
(喀斯特洼地) in Guizhou, but can see faraway stars in space? The answer is China’s 500-meter Aperture... and round karst depression (喀斯特洼地) in Guizhou, but can see faraway stars in space? The answer ……
建设高校,较原“985工程”所在的16个省份增加了3个,在建设世界一流大学的同时,也逐渐填平了部分高等教育的“洼地”。其中,北京依旧是“双一流”大学建设高校最多的省份,共有8所。上海有4所,紧随 ……
及中澳自贸协定签订等经贸大事的发生,相关的经济活跃领域将成为语言人才的需求洼地。从2015年起,对中国家长学生而言,被视为“小语种”的非通用语种不仅不小,而且将会成为一个核心人才稀缺的领域。再次,低龄 ……