ICIC众猴吃吃喝喝:泰国的猴子自助餐节。众猴吃吃喝喝:泰国的猴子自助餐节。There is so much fruit and vegetables to eat! They are for monkeys. This is the Monkey Buffet Festival in Lopburi, Thailand. It falls on the last Sunday ……
AFP 泰国的“明星”小河马泰国的“明星”小河马Moo Deng, a baby hippo (河马), rested at a zoo in Thailand. Another hippo was standing beside her.Moo Deng, a baby hippo (河马), rested at a zoo in Thailand. Another ……
THAI (泰国的) police were banned (禁止) from carrying plastic water guns during Thailand's New Year water festival.Officials feared they would reach for the wrong weapon when returning fire in friendly ……
泰国的“白象”大巡游。On May 4, King Maha Vajiralongkorn of Thailand was formally crowned (正式加冕). People across the country celebrated his coronation (加冕典礼) for several days. The most interesting part ……
泰国的“白象”大巡游。On May 4, King Maha Vajiralongkorn of Thailand was formally crowned (正式加冕). People across the country celebrated his coronation (加冕典礼) for several days. The most interesting part ……
马里奥:泰国“小清新”来袭!DO you like Mario? Not the video game character, Super Mario. It’s Mario Maurer, a handsome Thai ( 泰国的) actor.In 2007, Mario started to act in movies. Many of his fi lms are popular ……
泰国的蓝色美食来自神奇的蝶豆花。BLUE is an uncommon color for food, but it’s widely used in Thai food. See the blue noodles? The blue color comes from butterfly pea flowers (蝶豆花). Butterfly pea is a Thai herbal (草药 ……
. And they are going to give birth to baby pandas in Thailand.一对大熊猫住进他们的新房。他们是5岁的“创创”和他4岁的“妻子”“林惠”。他们这个月在泰国的一个动物园里“结婚”了。他们来自中国,将在泰国生熊猫宝宝。生词大本营 giant 巨大的Thailand 泰国 生词大本营生词大本营生词大本营giant 巨大的Thailand 泰国  ……
的答案是“它们想去哪就去哪”。不过,现在泰国的训兽师想改变一下这种状况,他们正在教给大象如何用厕所和冲厕所,他们希望巨大的厕所能让大象保持干净,以吸引更多的游客。生词大本营 flush 冲,洗attract ……
of the US President (美国总统徽章) and many other seals (徽章).Elephant, Thailand泰国的大象Elephants are the biggest... elephants. Elephants also help them do many things, such as carrying heavy things.Thailand holds Thai (泰国的 ……
儿童”。去年圣诞节期间,11岁的蒂莉用她学的地理知识救了约100人的性命。那时,她正和妈妈一起在泰国的一个海滩度假。她看到“海水泛起了水泡,咝咝作响,就像煎东西一样。”“海啸要来了!”她大喊道。人们 ……
the world are learning Chinese.TheThai(泰国的) government plans to offer Chinese courses to 30 percent of its ……
to the winter season.The songDrifting(《飘飘》) combinesThai(泰国的) folk music and modern dance. It's fast ……
to watch the traditional swan parade. 泰国的大象也加入泼水大战啦。LET’S have a shower together with elephants...节,泰国新年). On that day, they pour water over each other to make good wishes. They think it is a good way ……
12月2日在上海召开。会议共有来自近40所高校的80余名院系主任及技术负责人参加。大学英语四、六级考委会主任金艳教授以“计算机化语言测试的效度:大学英语四、六级网考的启示”为题作了主题报告。 所有泰国的...教学沟通的英文技能,并邀请外国大使馆、英文教育机构代表参与训练泰国的教师。 ……