) of the birds and the rustling (树叶沙沙的响声) of leaves in the trees relaxed me after a tough day at school. I...天艰苦的校园生活后看着小河的流水,听着啾啾鸟鸣和树叶沙沙的响声总能让我放松心情。语法:动名词做主语。Listening to Jay Chou’s music relaxes me after doing home work ……
, screeching crickets (蟋蟀), buzzing (嗡嗡的) bees and rustling (沙沙的) leaves.From birds to tigers ……
can have a bit of a “scratchy (带沙沙的杂音的)” sound or have the occasional (偶尔的) pop. For some... in the authenticity (真实性) of the sound itself. Older records can have a bit of a “scratchy (带沙沙的 ……
, apples of different colours have different tastes. For example, green apples are a littlesour. 有一种黄黄的苹果吃起来沙沙的 ……
the river, listening to the chirps (鸟鸣) of the birds and the rustling (树叶沙沙的响声) of leaves ……
不知身是 客”的感受。我起身外出,周围看不到一个人影,偶尔有一两个 晨练的跑步者路过,在铺满枯叶的小路上踏出沙沙的脚步声。寂静的校园在一片片白桦林中渐渐苏醒过来,仰望着从英吉 利海 ……
试卷几乎是不可能的。于是,文秋芳拿出了当年练习口语的干劲练就快速的思维能力和书写速度。这次,成堆的磁带变成了大把练干的笔芯,沙沙的书写声代替了朗朗的读书声,不变的是深夜文秋芳凝固在窗帘上伏案的身影。独在 ……