高考词汇effectively adv. 有效地;有力地同根词:effective adj.The public should be educated on how to use energy more effectively.?session n. (从事某项活动的)一段时间The two leaders showed up for a photo session.?tendency n ……
unfamiliar human, but not asvigorously(有力地). A cat caused atentative(试探的) right-side wag. But when ……
with free toys. McDonald’s officials were angry with the decision, which effectively (有力地) bans ……
究运用翔实丰富的数据分析了以芬兰语为母语的人群和以瑞士语为母语的人群在习得英语时中介语发展的不同特征,有力地驳斥了Pienemann 等人提出的“Processability Theory(加工能力理论)”。最后,Odlin教授还就师生感兴趣的问题作了精彩解答。 ……
the interviewer’s hand firmly (有力地). Unfortunately, few tell you what it is that the interviewer is really ……
’s hand firmly (有力地). Unfortunately, few tell you what it is that the interviewer is really looking ……
practicing it, people have to move their hands and feet quickly and forcefully (有力地). The movements... their hands and feet quickly and forcefully (有力地). The movements are full of ups and downs. Emei martial arts ……
it, people have to move their hands and feet quickly and forcefully (有力地). The movements are full... their hands and feet quickly and forcefully (有力地). The movements are full of ups and downs. Emei ……
军委主席习近平出席文化传承发展座谈会并发表重要讲话。习总书记指出,中国文化源远流长,中华文明博大精深。只有全面深入了解中华文明的历史,才能更有效地推动中华优秀传统文化创造性转化、创新性发展,更有力地...全面深入了解中华文明的历史,才能更有效地推动中华优秀传统文化创造性转化、创新性发展,更有力地推进中国特色社会主义文化建设,建设中华民族现代文明。中华优秀传统文化(fine traditional Chinese ……
, China is commercial and individualistic." --------------------------------belt out: 大声而有力地歌唱depict ……
"belt out sth."常用在口语中表示"大声地、强有力地、劲头十足地唱出或演奏出"。The politician was belting out his speech on the stage ……
, but my family and the coach stoodfirmly(有力地) behind me, helping me through," herecalls.words ……
首届“外教社杯”全国大学英语教学大赛全国总决赛将于6月12日至14日在上海外国语大学举行。从3月13日大赛启动至今,共有27个省、市、自治区的1000多所高校参与了初赛及淘汰赛,27个分赛区举行了复赛与决赛。从全国十几万高校英语教师中脱颖而出的60位选手,将角逐全国总决赛的一、二、三等奖。本次大赛中,教师们踊跃参与,精心准备,涌现了一批优秀的青年英语教师,有力地推动了各省大学英语教学改革,充分 ……
统已经达到了可操作水平。梁茂成教授这一研究成果将有力地推动我国大规模英语考试实现作文评分自动化的进程。 ……
读者在握手之前都会把手在衣服上擦干,然后有力地握手。然而他却常常被别人松软无力的握手所敷衍,他甚至发现一些男人的握手也非常无力。... to be good and firm at all times.这位读者认为:永远都不要相信那些握起手来有气无力的人。握手就应该是坚定有力的。 Top Tip: Always count your ……