; 中学生成立社团关注偏远山区“月经贫困”中学生成立社团关注偏远山区“月经贫困”While the word “period (月经)” is no stranger to many girls... school in the mountainous area of Ganzi prefecture, Sichuan.While the word “period (月经)” is no stranger ……
; 中学生成立社团关注偏远山区“月经贫困”中学生成立社团关注偏远山区“月经贫困”While the word “period (月经)” is no stranger to many girls... “period (月经)” is no stranger to many girls, some have trouble getting sanitary products (卫生 ……
Vocabularyabstinence 禁欲 celibate 禁欲者 contraception 避孕 condom 安全套 birth control pill 避孕药 morning-after pill 紧急避孕药 period 月经ConversationWang Dan (female) and her boyfriend, Li Qiang, are watching TV ……
for a teenaged female to have iron deficiency (不足) especially if she has heavy menstrual periods (月经).The best ……
(月经) products for disadvantaged women. The products use widely available plant waste from the banana harvest. De Bona Goncalves only realized the scale of “period (月经) poverty” &ndash ……
). Third, you'd better wear glasses when you have a cold or when you're on yourperiod (月经期).Teens... wear glasses when you have a cold or when you're on yourperiod (月经期).Teens: Is Lasik eye surgery ……
;period poverty (月经贫困)”. When Rafaella de Bona Goncalves learned about this, she was shocked...;period poverty (月经贫困)”. When Rafaella de Bona Goncalves learned about this, she was shocked ……
Underwear and pads are often overlooked necessities for poor womenUnderwear and pads are often overlooked necessities for poor women肯尼亚女孩致力于消除“月经贫困”肯尼亚女孩致力于消除“月经贫困”词数 330 测试见IV版 建议阅读时间 6分钟 ……
their menstrual period (月经) before they turned 13.Schein and Bernstein struggled with depression ……
you feel confident and comfortable during every menstrual cycle.释义:愿你在每个月经周期都感到自信和舒适。释义:愿你在每个月经 ……
了解性知识,我们不再遭遇尴尬:开放式教学;门诊部热情接待;网上直播耐心解答。A TEENAGE girl became worried when her period (月经) stopped for three months. She didn't know what was happening to her."Am I pregnant?" was a haunting (萦绕 ……
.---------------------------------------divisive 造成不和的donate 捐赠dub 起名字,起绰号nominee 被提名的人oratory 口才period 月经 ……
惊讶menstruation 月经netizen 网民sitcom 连续剧slang 俚语subtitle 字幕technicality 术语、专业上的细节 ……
期刊简介期刊简介《外语教学理论与实践》 (原名《国外外语教学》)于1981年1月经教育部批准获正式期刊出版许可。本刊由教育部主管,华东师范大学出版社出版,华东师范大学主办,目前发行周期为季刊,自2021年第1期开始,由原来的每期96页扩版至160页。《外语教学理论与实践》 (原名《国外外语教学》)于1981年1月经教育部批准获正式期刊出版许可。本刊由教育部主管,华东师范大学出版社出版,华东 ……
之间暗藏婉约,如此神态,以我十多万年所见的风月经验,定是会佳人去了。Ye Hua went off in a hurry just now. He looked nonchalant and distant ……