like Mars on Earth! It’s Chile’s Atacama Desert (智利的阿塔卡马沙漠).The Atacama is a very dry... on Earth! It’s Chile’s Atacama Desert (智利的阿塔卡马沙漠).The Atacama is a very dry desert ……
THE Chilean (智利的) government is attempting to slow global warming by asking people to take off their ties. Chile’s economy minister has launched a campaign to encourage Chilean businessmen to remove ……
你见过穿牛仔外套的迪士尼公主吗?You’ve probably seen famous princesses (公主) in Disney movies. But can you imagine what they would look like if they lived among us in real life today? Fernanda Suarez, a Chilean (智利的 ……
on Earth! It’s Chile’s Atacama Desert (智利的阿塔卡马沙漠).Going to Mars is hard. But you can find a place like Mars on Earth! It’s Chile’s Atacama Desert (智利的阿塔卡马沙漠).Too dry!Too dry ……
to the hot Sahara Desert (撒哈拉沙漠) in Africa, you can see snowfall. Chile’s Atacama Desert (智利的.... Chile’s Atacama Desert (智利的阿塔卡马沙漠) is one of the driest deserts on Earth. In 2011, it had about 80 ……
地球上的“火星” 在哪里? Want to travel to Mars for your summer vacation? Well, it might be hard to do that. But you can find a place like Mars on Earth! It is Chile’s Atacama Desert (智利的阿塔卡马沙漠).Too dry ……
模杀伤性武器)."If there is nosecurity(安全) it's going to be very difficult to have any trade,"Chilean(智利的 ……
cosmetics (化妆品) and Chilean (智利的) cherries. As the world’s second-largest importer, China... kinds of products, including German robots, Japanese cosmetics (化妆品) and Chilean (智利的) cherries ……
on FridaysHomework: 1 hour►Bedtime: 12:00 pm 到智利的全国运动会上体验南美学生的舞蹈激情吧!WHAT does the sports meet at your school ……
智利是拉丁美洲国家,官方语言是西班牙语。智利的教育质量在拉丁美洲处于先进地位,在很大程度上得益于智利政府开明的英语教育政策,尤其是本世纪初推出的“英语门户开放计划”起到了较大的推动作用。智利是拉丁美洲国家,官方语言是西班牙语。智利的教育质量在拉丁美洲处于先进地位,在很大程度上得益于智利政府开明的英语教育政策,尤其是本世纪初推出的“英语门户开放计划&rdquo ……
: a statement for money owed for goods or a serviceChilean: 智利的 clown: a person who entertains ……
refuge 避难所 shaft 竖井;坑道sobering 使清醒的托福词汇anthem 国歌anguish 痛苦borehole 地上凿洞 bulldozer 推土机 Chilean 智利的 ……
. C。联系上文可知,许多智利人认为应该给流浪狗做绝育以使它们不能生育,故选C。55. D。联系下文并结合选项可知,目前看起来智利的流浪狗数量还会逐年增加,但其未来却不确定。55. D。联系下文并结合选项可知,目前看起来智利的流浪狗数量还会逐年增加,但其未来却不确定。第二节第二节56. but 57. powerful 58. was written ……
积极开拓中国市场 稳步推进国际合作
和智力等国的不同语言测试项目提供了改进和认证等方面的支持。这些项目使得剑桥英语考试模式在不同的测试环境中得到了验证。2003年底,剑桥大学ESOL考试中心与智利教育部签署协议,为智利的公立学校提供英语语言水平评估。此次合作成为了智利...计划制定及教学资源利用证书以及课堂教学组织与学习过程管理三张证书。每个证书考试均包含80道选择题,考试时间为80分钟。TKT得到了许多国家教育部门的认可。在阿根廷、巴西、智利、厄瓜多尔、墨西哥、巴拉圭、秘鲁及乌拉圭,TKT已成 ……