CHINESE pianist Lang Lang, 28, joined the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra on September 29 for Carnegie Hall’s 2010-2011 opening night gala (晚会). Attended by prestigious (声名显赫的) guests every year ……
. Daisy's website has won the support of several high-profile (显赫的) figures — the teenager says she ……
painted eaves (屋檐) of two notable (显赫的) families. Now they must find homes in ordinary houses ……
such aglorious(显赫的) title at such an early age is helpful as they may becomeconceited(自以为是的). They need ……
was not only kind, but also a legend (传奇人物). He was once one of the glorious (显赫的) “Flying Tigers ……
darlings: 媒体宠儿,媒体竞相追逐报道的人或事。grassroots: 形容词,草根的,表示出身并不显赫的。Year 2007 saw a group of grassroots artists ……
-popping 让人惊讶得连眼珠都快瞪出来glorious 光荣的, 显赫的hamper 妨碍, 牵制hieroglyph 象形文字, 图画文字hostage 人质, 抵押品maim 使残废, 使不 ……
a once-in-a-life time chance to go to a prestigious (声名显赫的) summer camp in the United States ……
a once-in-a-life time chance to go to a prestigious (声名显赫的) summer camp in the United States... to a prestigious (声名显赫的) summer camp in the United States. At the same time, a volunteering program ……
of the paper. “In founding Ming Pao, Cha became an eminent (名声显赫的) opinion leader whose..., Cha became an eminent (名声显赫的) opinion leader whose editorials were a must-read for Chinese readers ……
金智允博士(Ji-Yoon Kim)在声名显赫的彭布罗克大学担任英文系系主任的故事。她是学校首位女系主任,接手日渐衰微的英文系,必然要应付一般人不会面对的种种挑战。该剧风趣幽默,但同时也讨论了许多严肃问题。以下两个片段就讨论了高校英语系日渐被边缘化的现状,以及两个人物对此的思考。《英文系主任》(The Chair)讲述金智允博士(Ji-Yoon Kim)在声名显赫的 ……
, the Zhangs reached out to Zhang Ying, their most prominent (显赫的) family member and a trusted top... reached out to Zhang Ying, their most prominent (显赫的) family member and a trusted top official ……
摘自: 每日一练[TEENS, 21世纪学生英文报·高三版]
prominent (显赫的) family member and a trusted top official in the emperor’s court. Rather than taking....____ (settle) the matter failed, the Zhangs reached out to Zhang Ying, their most prominent (显赫的 ……
摘自: 每日一练[TEENS, 21世纪学生英文报·高二版]
to be completelyuninhibited(不羁的). Oh, just imagine the improper jokes, theunchecked(未经检查的) laughter and theglorious(显赫的 ……
橘子之谜》(The Chinese Orange Mystery)、《法国粉末之谜》(The French Powder Mystery)等"国名系列"四种。在推理小说史上,埃勒里奎因是比"推理女王"阿加莎更显赫的 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]