do. (From “The smell of love stays with me” page 3)译文:他从来都是无条件地爱我,并对我所做的每一件事情都给予支持。3. I'll always ……
摘自: 本期酷句回放[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·高中版]
Man: I invented you! You must obey my orders unconditionally (无条件地)!Robot: No. I only follow good orders, not bad ones, such as killing people.– By Daniel, 18, BeijingRobot: We robots will rule ……
有想过为什么跟爷爷奶奶很亲?德约科维奇的这段话貌似道出了真谛:因为他们无条件地宠爱你、支持你,从不评判(judge)你、从不限制你,你可以在他们面前为所欲为。小德的爷爷在2012年去世,让这 ……
you mum." It will not be easy, but as she sees that you love her unconditionally (无条件地) — no matter ……
and love your daily life unconditionally (无条件地), not only because we have just one life, but because we ……
相投。童星出身的戈麦斯生活并不是一帆风顺,在遇到挫折和困扰的时候,斯威夫特不但无条件地支持她,还为她出谋划策,堪称最佳闺蜜。 ……
appearance is understandable, but remember, people who matter in your lives love you unconditionally (无条件地 ……
(无条件地) — they do not judge you by your appearance. The truly beautiful are those who are beautiful ……
, and inspires unconditionally (无条件地)Thank youThank you for being there when I needed you mostThank you ……
, and inspires unconditionally (无条件地)Thank youThank you for being there when I needed you mostThank you ……
and just be freeI will love you unconditionally哦不,难道是我靠得太近?以至于我瞥见了你内心的黑暗?你的各种不安过去不堪的秘密这些都不会让我迟疑半分毫无保留,无怨无悔我对你的爱是无条件的现在的我毫无畏惧抛开一切无拘无束我会毫无条件地一直爱着你 ……
.---------------------------------------"时事大擂台"下期辩论话题:现有教授建议国家教育部教材司,应将诸葛亮的《出师表》撤出中学语文课本,认为《出师表》里诸葛亮对昏庸无能的少主刘禅无条件地效忠,宣扬的是一种愚忠思想。你赞 ……
to meet teachers' expectations during the week."时事大擂台"下期辩论话题:有教授建议国家教育部教材司,应将诸葛亮的《出师表》撤出中学语文课本,认为《出师表》里诸葛亮对昏庸无能的少主刘禅无条件地 ……
诸葛亮的《出师表》撤出中学语文课本,认为《出师表》里诸葛亮对昏庸无能的少主刘禅无条件地效忠,宣扬的是一种愚忠思想。你赞同这个建议吗?欢迎加入辩论,电话:010-64812126 e-mail至 ……
unconditionally (无条件地).During the Mid-Autumn Festival, audiences (观众) saw a series of movies that warmed...’s disease (阿尔兹海默症) and her 85-year-old mother who chooses to take care of her unconditionally (无条件地 ……