4月11日,由第29届奥组委奥运新闻中心、北京市人民政府外事办公室联合举办的北京市规范公共场所英语标识工作暨市民讲外语活动新闻发布会召开。市外办副主任、市民讲外语活动组委会办公室主任、市规...规范公共场所英语标识规范工作的开展以及市民外语普及活动等内容回答了记者提问。来自中央电视台、北京电视台,《人民日报》《北京日报》路透社、美联社,《华尔街日报》等近百名中外记者参加了发布会,境内外媒体对此次发布会都给予了积极报道。 ……
新闻发布会上大打出手,两拳王提前上演争霸赛。AMERICAN boxer Mike Tyson turned a news conference (新闻发布会) into a fight last Tuesday.The meeting was to announce the fight between Tyson and heavyweight champion (重量级冠军) Lennox ……
with Lewis at a press conference (新闻发布会) in January. ……
Japanese pop queen Ayumi Hamasaki (滨崎步) smiles during a news conference (新闻发布会) earlier this month. She was promoting (促销) her latest photo album "Uraayu" and music album "Daybreak" in Taipei ……
, the White House held a press briefing (新闻发布会) as usual. To everyone’s surprise, a cute Easter (复活...’ Day. That’s why they made the joke.On April 1, the White House held a press briefing (新闻发布会 ……
, the winner refused to give a news conference (新闻发布会) after receiving his prize.American tennis player ……
青岛奥帆委近日启动了奥帆赛高级语言服务志愿者选拔面试工作,选拔驻青高校中具有外事服务经验、新闻发布会经验的高级语言人才参与奥帆赛语言服务。日前共有60多名外语专业人员参加了选拔测试。选拔工作将于3月底结束。据了解,本次选拔测试分为笔译和口译两部分,主要考查参选人员的英语应用水平、综合素质以及外事服务能力。参加面试人员须年龄在40周岁以下,具备良好的英语口笔译能力;具有新闻发布会 ……
press conference 新闻发布会season n. 赛季Swiss n. 瑞士人HELPHELPHELPlook one’s age 和年龄相称give away 泄露,出卖press conference 新闻发布会season n. 赛季Swiss n. 瑞士人look one’s age 和年龄相称give away 泄露,出卖press conference 新闻发布会season ……
’s new music style.Words and expressions tune n. 曲调track n. 专辑中的一首歌曲melody n. 旋律press conference: 新闻发布会.... 旋律press conference: 新闻发布会tune n. 曲调tune n. 曲调track n. 专辑中的一首歌曲track n. 专辑中的一首歌曲melody n. 旋律melody n ……
Cultural Heritage Administration (NCHA) said at a news conference (新闻发布会) on Nov 18. These relics... Administration (NCHA) said at a news conference (新闻发布会) on Nov 18. These relics include a number of fine ……
of it at a press conference (新闻发布会). He said it was “heart-warming”.  ... Lijian, is a fan of the video. He spoke highly of it at a press conference (新闻发布会). He said ……
at the regular news briefing (新闻发布会) on Sept 5. She is the ministry’s 33rd spokesperson. Before...) as the Foreign Ministry’s spokeswoman at the regular news briefing (新闻发布会) on Sept 5. She is the ministry ……
(外交部), held his first daily news conference (新闻发布会) in Beijing on March 18. Lin graduated... (外交部), held his first daily news conference (新闻发布会) in Beijing on March 18. Lin graduated ……
held apress conference(新闻发布会) in Beijing. Winners from last year such as Pu Bajia and Song Xiaobo ……
日前,法国驻华使馆文化处和北京奥运语言培训服务供应商北京爱国者理想飞扬教育科技有限公司联合举行新闻发布会,向社会公布双方共同策划实施的“北京-巴黎,迎奥运、法语-汉语普及暨《迎奥运法语汉语百句速成手册》推广计划”。活动组委会近期将向100余所学校赠阅《迎奥运法语汉语百句速成手册》,并将同步推出20集法语百句口语速成电视教学节目。这是北京奥运来临之前法国在中国进行的首次大规模、全方位的法语推广计划。 ……