。 Many men have no interest in shopping.Sharing seconds 能控制好自己情绪的人,比能拿下一座城池的将军更伟大。 —— 拿破仑Task 1What would ……
答:课堂上,英语教师可以选择完全使用英语,主要使用英语或是部分使用英语。不过,口语和听力课的教学语言应当尽量使用英语,控制汉语的使用。英语课堂可以为学生创造一个良好的语言环境,这对教师和学生来说都是一种挑战。英语教学环境不仅迫使教师不断提升自己的口语水平,也迫使学生不断提高自己的听力水平,扩大自己的词汇量,做到教学相长。此外,教师 ……
有人,山外有山”,即使再优秀的教师也存在着自己的缺点和不足,打开心节,敞开心扉你会真“优秀”。总之,在英语课堂管理中,教师内心压力的调节与控制得是否得当,直接决定着教师的自我形象,对于作为专业人员的英语教师来讲尤为重要。但培养任何一种值得一为的教学技巧都没有捷径可走,培养英语教师良好的内心压力的调节与控制方式也绝非例外。英语教师要更多地依赖辛勤的工作、坚定 ……
的做法是与同事就困扰你的问题进行建设性探讨,这大大有助于你想出有效的应对策略,也有助于你更加客观地看待自己,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力。总之,在英语课堂管理中,教师内心压力的调节与控制是否得当,直接 ……
“My last boyfriend said I’m a control freak (控制狂). Do you think I’m a control freak? If so, say yes.” ……
这枚电子戒指无线连接iPod MP3播放器。You can control (控制)your MP3 player with this ring. ……
如果有一天,你能控制天气……如果有一天,你能控制天气……Sunny, rainy or cloudy? In a new Japanese animated film, a young girl has the power to control the weather. However, it brings a lot ……
核心词汇hit vt. 到达(某地)用法:较口语化When does the new show hit town?control vt. 控制;操纵,管理I couldn't control myself and I hit him. ……
高考词汇conclude v. (使)结束;完毕The evening concluded with dinner and speeches.command n. 使用或控制某物的能力;掌握用法:不可数或单数 搭配of sthHe has no command over himself. ……
I should have asked somebody else. He's impractical and the team doesn't like him.Leave Frank alone and I'm sure he'll do a good job. You can't always be in the driver's seat.in the driver's seat: 掌有控制权 ……
神奇的飞碟玩具!This is a new UFO toy from Canada. It doesn’t have wires (电线) or a remote control (遥控器). You can use your hand to control (控制) it. Move your hand up and down, and the UFO will fly up and down. ……
RESEARCHERS have found that the bigger your plate, the more likely you are to eat too much. Many food sellers have noticed this. According to this graphic (图表) by the Center for Disease Control (疾病控制 ……
中考词汇aim v. 旨在用法:aim to do sth/aim at doing sth 旨在做某事。还可作名词,意思是“目的,目标”。We aim to finish the task by Friday.control v. 控制 用法:control traffic/prices 管理交通/控制物价。还可作名词,under control 处于控制下;out of control 失去控制 ……
好酷的遥控机器人!DO you want to have a robot? Have a look at Kogoro Kurata’s. The 39-year-old Japanese artist has a giant (巨大的) robot “boy”. It’s 4 tons heavy and 4 meters tall. Kurata controls (控制 ……
可以遥控的纸飞机Do you like to fly paper planes? Now there is a pretty cool one. You can control (控制) it with a phone or iPad. It flies fast and high. Let’s have a paper plane race (比赛) with our friends! ……