情境领悟:A: I can’t believe she stole Angie’s boyfriend.B: Well, it’s his fault too – After all, it takes two to tango.A: Yeah, I guess you’re right.释义:It takes two to tango的字面意思是“探戈舞 ……
飞扬的舞步与旋转的裙裾缔造着阿根廷美仑美奂的探戈节。飞扬的舞步与旋转的裙裾缔造着阿根廷美仑美奂的探戈节。"ANYONE who comes toBuenos Aires(布宜诺斯艾利斯) and hasn't seen thetango(探戈舞), hasn't been to Buenos Aires at all!" This is what Japanese tourist ……
舞), rumba (伦巴舞), cha cha (恰恰舞) and tango (探戈舞) all come from Latin America. The music is cheerful ……
舞) and tango (探戈舞) dance styles all come from Latin America. Dancers hold each other tightly and move... and at all kinds of carnivals (狂欢节).(恰恰舞) and tango (探戈舞) dance styles all come from Latin America ……
舞), cha cha (恰恰舞) and tango (探戈舞) dance styles all come from Latin America. Dancers hold each other ……
成也世界杯,败也世界杯 —— 两支种子队黯然结束伤心之旅。WITH France experiencing another Waterloo (滑铁卢) and Argentina dancing their last tango (探戈舞) in Asia, the two favourites to win the World Cup left South Korea and Japan ……
.Ralph Jenningscounterpart 对方 divisive 造成纠纷的 earnestly 认真地 juggle 同时运作lubricate 润滑 skip 缺席 tango 跳探戈舞 ……
舞), cha cha (恰恰舞) and tango (探戈舞). These dance styles require dancers to hold each other closely ……
people have created the samba (桑巴舞), rumba (伦巴舞), cha cha (恰恰舞) and tango (探戈舞). These dance styles ……
摘自: 每日一练[TEENS, 21世纪学生英文报·高三版]
cha (恰恰舞) and tango (探戈舞). These dance styles require dancers to hold each other closely and move ……
摘自: 每日一练[TEENS, 21世纪学生英文报·高二版]
知道“一个巴掌拍不响”翻译成英语怎么说吗?同学们冥思苦想,给出了各种稀奇古怪的答案。笔者在黑板上写下了:It takes two to tango.直译为“两个人才能跳探戈,才能跳舞”。在和学生解释了什么是交谊舞,什么是探戈后,笔者说:“大家看到了,只有两个人才能跳探戈舞,一个巴掌拍不响,退一步海阔天空,如果大家遇到矛盾时互相退一步,互相从对方的角度思考问题,那矛盾不就迎刃而解了吗?”这样 ……