. The 12-year-old had to finish the five-minute show by pressing (按住) the “leg” with her finger ……
fell off. The 12-year-old had to finish the five-minute show by pressing (按住) the “leg” with her ……
by sacrificing the environment. (P3)二、身体语言:1.我深深地吸了口气,松开丈夫,用手按住我的额头(forehead)。I took a sharp breath ……
or down the mountain.受伤了怎么办如果你被划破一条小口子,用干净的手按住伤口,一会儿就可止血,然后消毒,贴上创可贴。If you don't have anything, stop ……
move topin(按住) him. The boy had won the match and the tournament. He was the champion.On the way ……
microphone, I traveled across South Africa meeting writers. Pin的意思是“按住,压住,使动弹不得”。I pinned him against ……
quickly used his move to pin (按住) him. The boy had won the match and the tournament. He was the 17 ……
摘自: 每日一练[teens, 21世纪学生英文报·高一版]
体上是将刀叉搭靠在自己的盘子上,呈八字形。4.用餐完毕用完餐后,用餐者应该将刀刃侧向内与叉子并拢,由右下至左上地斜放在盘子中间,叉齿朝下。餐具的用法用餐者右手持刀,左手持叉,先用叉子把食物按住,然后用刀切成小块,再用 ……
摘自: 礼仪文化[编辑:邵金荣, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
again, his opponent made a big 56 : He dropped his guard. The boy quickly used his move to pin (按住 ……
摘自: 高二综合测试[TEENS高考研究小组, 21世纪学生英文报·高二版]