Do you want to see stars at home? 试试这部星空投影仪吧。It brings "stars" to the walls of your room. ……
What a strange computer! Look, it projects (投影) its screen (屏幕) on the wall. ……
神奇的投影MP3MUSIC Drop is an MP3 player. It has no screen. But it can give you lyrics (歌词). It can project (投影) lyrics onto your hand, the wall, the desk, or anywhere you like! ……
音乐水滴Music Drop (音乐水滴) is an MP3 player (播放器). It can project (投影) lyrics (歌词) onto your hand, the wall, the desk, or anywhere you like! ……
transmission (传输), rather than by projection (投影). ……
night flight (航班). Six projectors (投影仪) are used to project a starry sky in the plane, The Asahi...;Six projectors (投影仪) are used to project a starry sky in the plane, The Asahi Shimbun reported ……
camera(数码相机),wireless(无线的) Internet and a videoprojector(投影仪) inside.You can use the camera to take ……
on a projector (投影机). Other students comment on their projects. Most students said that the geography ……
20万幅儿童画像拼成英女王肖像。THIS is a special picture of Queen Elizabeth of the UK. It is *made up of more than 200,000 self-portraits (自画像), and is projected (投影) on the front of Buckingham Palace (白金 ……
. A Swiss (瑞士的) artist and his team projected (投影) them with light. They want more people to care about... and his team projected (投影) them with light. They want more people to care about nature and climate ……
;19.33%Too few TV appsToo few TV apps 7.42% 7.42%Lag during projecting (投影滞后) from phonesLag during projecting (投影滞后) from phonesSOURCE: FORWARD BUSINESS INFORMATION CO LTDSOURCE: FORWARD ……
.The filmsheds(投影) new light onobesity(肥胖) in America, one of the country's biggest health problems ……
记者获悉,投影宝电子白板近日与北京大学幼儿园签订合作协议,今后幼儿园英语教学将全面采用投影宝电子白板。北大幼儿园英语现代化教学又上了一个新的台阶。除北京幼儿园外,投影宝还与湖南、河南、内蒙等多个地区的幼儿园展开了广泛合作,投影宝电子白板已成为幼儿园英语教学的常规教学设备之一。近年来,随着现代信息技术的发展,交互式电子白板在国内日益受到重视。对于很多教师,特别是幼教领域的英语教师而言,交互 ……
paperwork projected (投影) onto any surface instead of on the screen of your smartphone or computer ……
, and the sensors (传感器) and projectors (投影仪) will follow your direction.“Through projections that are activated ……