by someone else 扭转局势,反败为胜Example: He played badly in the first set, but then he turned the table on the opponent and won the match. (第一局他打得很差,但他然后扭转了与对手的局势,并赢得了比赛。)Beat the drum (for)Meaning: to speak ……
the napkin in half. Put it on the holder. Twist (扭转) the “stem (梗)”. A flower... it on the holder. Twist (扭转) the “stem (梗)”. A flower is here! ……
中了彩票后,约翰一夜之间飞黄腾达。2. turn the tables2. turn the tables意思是“逆袭;扭转局势”,一般表示占据优势、劣势的双方互换了位置。同义短语还有turn the tide。意思是“逆袭;扭转局势”,一般表示占据优势、劣势的双方互换了位置。同义短语还有turn the tide。– I was two shots from losing, but I made ……
奇异博士能扭转乾坤PAGE 8Doctor Strange hurts his hands in a bad accident. He will do anything to fix them. But his search changes his life, and the world, forever.Chess champion年轻的国象大师朱锦尔 Chinese teen stays ……
船的方向位置”,常引申为“扭转局势”的意思,如:It’s time for the show to right the ship, or it will be cancelled for low ……
towerHSB Turning Torso(HSB扭转大楼) is the world's first building thattwists(扭转) 90 degrees on its way up ……
turned the tables on them. 释义:根据对话你是否已经猜出这个词组的意思了?俗话说,一着不慎,满盘皆输。高手对弈,一招妙棋也可以扭转局面、化险为夷。在英语中,这种反败为胜的情况被称为turn the tables。Turn the tables的意思是“扭转局势、改变局面”,一般表示占据优势、劣势的双方互换了位置。现学现用:篮球比赛上,你们队落后了很多分,Mike觉得 ……
was Real Madrid.Turn the tables意为“扭转局面”,同义表达有reverse the tide。巴塞罗那老将莱万多夫斯基宝刀未老,在对阵瓦伦西亚的比赛中完成帽子戏法,逆转比赛。Turn the tables意为“扭转局面”,同义表达有reverse the tide。巴塞罗那老将莱万多夫斯基宝刀未老,在对阵瓦伦西亚的比赛中完成帽子戏法,逆转比赛。 ……
knows you lost your socks!He knows the presents we want!save the day的意思是“挽回败局或扭转局面”。比如:你的同学在足球比赛中,踢进 ……
for Microsoft in 2012.”–USA TodayTide-turning指“扭转局势的“。口语中还经常说The tide is turning来表示”形势逆转“。 ……
a leak意为“出漏洞,泄漏出来”麦当娜本来计划明年发行个人第13张专辑,没想到被黑客提前泄露。她迅速出击,发行六首单曲,最终扭转局面,也获得正面评价。 ……
the tide against the South Korean team. turn the tide指“扭转局势”。 19岁中锋周琦横空出世让球迷对中国男篮的未来充满信心。他帮 ……
the tide against the South Korean team. turn the tide指“扭转局势”。 19岁中锋周琦横空出世让球迷对中国男篮的未来充满信心。他帮 ……
Cavaliers for this season’s NBA championship.Miraculous意思是“奇迹的”。在NBA系列赛中面对1比3的不利局面,最终扭转 ……
save the day.本句中的save the day意为“扭转败局”,句意为:足球是一项团体性运动,仅靠一个超级巨星不一定能扭转败局。 ……