栏目介绍:如今,中外文化交流活动日益频繁,越来越多的外国文学作品被翻译引进到我国,为了帮助读者更好地了解外国文学作品,于茫茫书海中寻觅到适合自己趣味的好书,本栏目将定期刊登书评以飨读者. 作家写小说,总会以这样那样的方式,或多或少地写出自己直接或间接的体验. 有的小说仅仅是作家个人的体验而已,有的小说则可以是全人类带有普遍性的体验. 美国著名的现实主义作家、美国现代小说的开拓者西奥多德莱塞(1871-1945)的小说,就属于那种跨时代跨地域跨阶层人们的集体体验的小说,因而至今仍为全世界众多读者所喜爱. ……
2013年8月四、六级考试委员会公布对四、六级考试进行改革. 对比改革前后,我们发现最瞩目的部分就是翻译. ……
Father’s shield against fearMy husband and I faced each other across the hospital bed. Our 4-year-old daughter Kate was with us. This was the first time she’d ever been in a hospital, other than the day she was born. ……
高考词汇 conquer vt. 征服,战胜She has been unable to conquer her fear of heights. ……
高考词汇striking adj. 显著的,惊人的The poverty of the country is striking.victory n. 胜利,战胜It was a great victory for the army. ……
的) thing is not to haveconquered(战胜) but to have fought well." ……
的) thing is not to haveconquered(战胜) but to have fought well." ……
开始grades 分数beat 战胜,超过生词大本营生词大本营生词大本营empreparationspty 准备start 开始grades 分数beat 战胜,超过empreparationspty 准备empreparationspty 准备start 开始start 开始grades 分数grades 分数beat 战胜,超过beat 战胜,超过 ……
高考词汇 defeat vt. 打败,战胜They were defeated in the football match.give sth a shot/try/go 试一试某事I’ve never gone skiing before, but I’m willing to give it a shot/try/go. ……
on Monday to get their World Cup campaign back on track. (在周一的比赛中,乌克兰4-0战胜沙特,使其世界杯之旅步入正轨。)2. demolish:原意...界杯的第一个进球,战胜了巴拉圭)4. ease past:轻松战胜Five-time world champions Brazil eased past African debutants Ghana 3 ……
million votes. Triumph over与defeat同义,指“战胜、击败”,同义词有conquer和overcome。这些词的细微差别在于, conquer侧重战胜和控制。overcome多指战胜或克服非物质的东西,如困难和不良习惯等。李宇春以高票数击败劲敌,荣获全球最佳艺人,粉丝的力量功不可没 ……
拉尔夫自言自语嘟囔说:“我一点都不超重。我的身材好极了…… 我一点都不超重。我的身材好极了!”妻子琼疑惑地看着他,拉尔夫解释说:“谁需要锻炼啊?减肥只是个‘意志力战胜物质诱惑’(mind over matter)的问题!”妻子不屑地说道:“我看是‘肚子战胜腰带’的问题吧!” ……
摘自: Drabble[Kevin Fagan, 21世纪学生英文报·高三版]
因为有爱,我们一定能战胜地震!PEOPLE in Sichuan are suffering (受苦) from a big earthquake. What do you want to say... hometown. I want to say: Don't give up! We will beat (战胜) the disaster (灾难)! ……
Gin, the big boss of the Black Organization (组织).Will Conan be able to beat (战胜) Gin and the Black ……
at worlds was Sweden in 2000. Prevail意为 “战胜、压倒”, 常用搭配为prevail against sb。 在成都举行的第56届世界乒乓球团体锦标赛男子决赛中,中国队以3比0战胜德国队,夺得冠军,完成了创纪录的十连冠壮举。德国队作为中国男乒的老对手,六次与中国队在总决赛相遇,但都不敌对手。Prevail意为 “战胜、压倒”, 常用搭配为prevail ……