飘洋过海,方知海之深邃与辽阔。悉尼的早晨是很舒适的,恰到好处的温度与湿度让人十分惬意,和美味的早餐一起带给人慵懒的感觉。飘洋过海,方知海之深邃与辽阔。悉尼的早晨是很舒适的,恰到好处的温度与湿度让人十分惬意,和美味的早餐一起带给人慵懒的感觉。2019年在南半球正处于夏季时,我有幸参加了西安外国语大学和悉尼翻译学院的海外交流项目,同时作为一名交换生,在悉尼大学进行为期一个月的访学。2019年在 ……
摘自: “育”见悉尼[延安大学 党彬心, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
“Run, run, little train. Take me to a faraway4 place.”澳大利亚人Daniel是一个火车迷。He is riding his mini train in Sydney (悉尼). ……
我能吃点吗?Chimps move into a new home at Taronga Zoo in Sydney (悉尼). Look! A mother chimp and her baby are sharing a coconut (椰子). Their life is comfortable. They can also enjoy hammocks (吊床). ……
The head and breasts of an exhibit called "Bobbing Bod" are floating on the sea. A total of 95 art pieces make up this outdoor exhibition called "Sculptures by the Sea." It opened in Sydney(悉尼 ……
Greenpeace (绿色和平组织) member Karly Allen sits atop a huge pink whale during a protest (抗议) in front of the Sydney Opera House (悉尼歌剧院) on November 5. Greenpeace urged Japan to stop the ships ……
to climb the bridge. Can you see the beautiful Sydney Opera House (悉尼歌剧院) too? AFP ……
悉尼歌剧院四十岁啦!Sydney Opera House is in Sydney, Australia. It is one of the most famous buildings in the world. It looks like many sails4 together. It was built in 1973. People sing and dance ……
悉尼歌剧院“体检”啦!悉尼歌剧院“体检”啦! What are these men doing? They are tapping the roof of the Sydney Opera House. There are about 1 million white tiles (瓷砖) on the roof ……
教学与研究出版社与澳大利亚国家教育开发署共同主办(主办方对该项目保留最终解释权)。“奇妙一冬——我在澳洲过春节”英语浸泡冬令营具体内容包括:*三大城市游览:行程覆盖澳洲教育中心——墨尔本、政治中心——堪培拉、经济文化中心——悉尼。*进驻高等学府:参观墨尔本大学、悉尼大学等著名学府,潜移默化体验澳洲高等教育。*特制英语课程:课程由澳洲最著名的语言培训中心、雅思考点——墨大霍桑语言中心提供。*游学融为一体:旅游围绕英语学习展开,同一主题,不同 ……
悉尼圣诞节火光冲天A RING of fires surrounded (包围) Sydney, Australia, on Christmas Eve. The series of bush fires is expected to get worse because of the hot, dry weather and strong winds. Firefighters have ……
Sweet Barbie巧克力芭比What a pretty Barbie! This Barbie doll is a chocolate cake. She is chocolate from head to toe. She is standing in Sydney, Australia (澳大利亚悉尼).Robot fish机器鱼I am a robot fish. I can ……
Santa fun run圣诞老人比赛跑Look! So many Santa Clauses. More than 1,500 people dress up as (打扮成) Santa Clauses in Sydney (悉尼). They are warming up (热身) for a running race5.My new hat我的时尚礼帽Look at my hat ……
悉尼歌剧院欢庆40岁生日。BUILDINGS also celebrate (庆祝) birthdays! The Sydney Opera House in Australia is one of the most famous buildings in the world. On Oct 20, people sang and danced to celebrate its 40th ……
悉尼月神公园I love Luna Park. It is in Sydney. It has games and rides. My favorite ride is the flying saucer (飞碟) — you spin around and around. It’s a little scary. But it’s fun. The park has an indoor (室内 ……
澳大利亚的首都在哪里?澳大利亚的首都在哪里?Have you heard of Sydney (悉尼) and Melbourne (墨尔... STAFFHave you heard of Sydney (悉尼) and Melbourne (墨尔本)? They are Australia’s two biggest ……