总统竞选US former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, 67, announced her much-awaited second... with voters. Fray指“竞争、争斗”。“总统竞选”还可说presidential race, run 或 campaign。 ……
on the upcomingpresidential campaign(总统竞选), which is being dominated by questions over Iraq. The Republican candidate ……
美国总统竞选人奥巴马告诉中学生如何改变世界。 Elizabeth Conway, 12, is a middle school student in the US. Earlier this month, she spoke with Senator (参议员)Barack Obama. Obama is running to be American president(总统).Conway ……
for election", in this case, the presidential election (总统竞选). In Chinese, the sentence is "Bloomberg不仅人聪明,而且还有钱。他一直在细心地研究是否该参加总统竞选".Dear Roger,I met the following sentence: "I often spent less than 10 yuan ……
今年2月启动的美国总统竞选已经进入到冲刺阶段。半年多以来,各国媒体大篇幅报道了本次美国大选,在关于民主党候选人奥巴马的各种报道及评论文章中出现频率颇高的一个词当属empty suit。请看...意味着说话者认为此人无能,其所做的一切事情纯粹是浪费时间,常被用来攻击那些能力与职务不相符的人。政治栏目的专栏作家通常喜欢用该词组称呼总统竞选人。汉语可译为“空架子”“徒有其表”。英语中由suit组成 ……
for both candidates美国大选:拜登与特朗普将“二次对决”!美国大选:拜登与特朗普将“二次对决”!The first US presidential contest (总统竞选) between... (总统竞选) between a current (现任的) and former president in 70 years is set to take place this fall ……
看美国青少年如何积极参与总统竞选。词数 240 建议阅读时间 6分钟 测试见7版 BY this time next year, the US will have a new president. It''s impossible to tell who will be elected. But one thing is for sure: Teenagers across the US ……
美国学生对总统竞选的热忱让我惊叹。词数 250 建议阅读时间 4分钟THE first presidential (总统的) debate between two candidates (候选人) Barack Obama and John McCain from the two major parties in the States began at 9 pm on September 26 ……
普京还应该参加下届俄罗斯总统竞选吗?词数 202 建议阅读时间 3分钟RUSSIAN Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is an influential (有影...’t totally favor. I don’t think it’s good that he will run for the Russian presidency (总统任期) again ……
HAVING survived two presidential campaigns (总统竞选), US President Barack Obama put his survival...,生存。美国总统奥巴马参加美国全明星真人秀《荒野求生》节目。他与英国冒险家格瑞斯在阿拉斯加州荒野跋山涉水体验野外生存,并会见几位专家,了解地区气候变暖的情况。据悉,奥巴马将成为首位出现在《荒野求生》中的美国总统 ……
incident (事件) from the 2016 US presidential election campaign (总统竞选). A website falsely reported that Pope ……
leader anddemocracy(民主) fighter in Sao Paulo, Lula lost his firstpresidential bid(总统竞选) in 1989...从花生小贩到巴西总统,成功源于他对政治生涯孜孜不倦的追求。LUIZ Inacio Lula da Silva was a poor 7-year-old when he rode a broken ……
小小年纪就成为总统竞选的得力助手, 九岁的神奇小子诺亚计划2032年入主白宫。IN the world of fairy tales, great and powerful men... began after amock election(模拟竞选) in kindergarten when he was five years old. Now he has more than 3 ……
是“感受到热力”,比喻“遭受冲击”He felt the heat a day after he announced that he would be running for president. 宣布要参加总统竞选 ……
, a US student.---------------------------------------Bonus与总统竞选有关的词汇:run for president 竞选总统...奥巴马会成为美国第一位黑人总统吗?词数 290 建议阅读时间 7分钟 TEN-year-old Barack Obama was one of the only three black ……