据路透社近日报道,尽管澳大利亚总理陆克文流利的普通话令中国人赞叹,但他夹杂着大量术语的英文却时常让本国人摸不着头脑。不少澳大利亚媒体对陆克文的英语作出评价:“他有时似乎是在自己编造一种语言。”《星期日时代报》资深专栏作家Tom Hyland说。《悉尼晨驱报》则列举了陆克文经常使用的缩略语,如EWS(early-warning system,预警系统)、RTP(right to protect ……
北京直飞新德里航线见证两国友谊CHINESE Premier (总理) Zhu Rongji announced that China has decided to open a direct flight path (航线) from Beijing to New Delhi in March to make exchanges between China and India possible ……
候你得先做出艰难的抉择才能做出正确的决定。”——前新西兰总理、国家党党首约翰·基当地时间12月5日,新西兰总理约翰·基在首都惠灵顿召开新闻发布会,出人意料地宣布正式辞去总理职位。自2006年成为执政党国家党党首,2008年当选总理...新西兰政界其他人对于国家党失去约翰·基之后的前景并不像他本人那样乐观。12月12日,国家党正式任命前副总理兼财政部长比尔·英格利希(Bill English)为新西兰总理。 21st ……
, rather than a fist, whenever possible."你无法伸出拳头与别人握手。"——英迪拉·甘地(印度前总理)英迪拉·甘地巧妙解决冲突的能力使她两次成为印度总理。人们 ……
got a letter from the Premier我给温总理写信表达谢意!WANG Jing wrote a letter toPremier(总理) Wen Jiabao. The 12 ……
默克尔第四次连任德国总理。Angela Merkel, 63, will be the chancellor (总理) of Germany for another four years.On Sept 25, Merkel won the German general election (大选). She has been the chancellor for 12 years. Merkel ……
-year-old boy from Australia is the champion (冠军) of the 2023 Prime Minister's Spelling Bee (澳洲总理... (冠军) of the 2023 Prime Minister's Spelling Bee (澳洲总理拼写大赛). He spelled 28 difficult words in about one ……
150millionPremier (总理) Wen Jiabao delivered (发布) a government work report at the 11th National People's Congress (NPC, 全国人大) in Beijing on March 5, 2008. The report says that in 2007 ……
Kwasniewski, reported to have support from the US; ThaiDeputy Prime Minister(副总理) Surakiart Sathirathai ……
. There are also new roads and hospitals. Recently, Premier (总理) Wen Jiabao visited Sichuan. When he saw ……
lukewarm reaction微温的或不热烈的反应The proposals put forward by German Chancellor Angela Merkel for greater unity in the eurozone met a lukewarm reaction.人们对于德国总理安吉拉·默克尔提出的在欧元区内部加强联系的建议反映冷淡。reminder提醒,提示录His ……
表达有underperformer.《时代》周刊似乎不给印度辛格总理“留情面”,为其贴上“不达标者”标签。 ……
热点人物Angela MerkelSHE is the German Chancellor (总理). She is known as the “Iron Lady (铁娘子)”. She is Angela Merkel. For the second year in a row, American magazine Forbes ranked her as the most powerful ……
that someone was going to kill the Greece Premier (总理). Then Scudder was killed in Hannay’s house. Hannay had ……
will continue to be cancelled, said China Daily. Source 即“源头”,既可以指“消息来源”,也可以指“事物根源”。在国务院第四次廉政工作会中,李克强总理用“源头防腐”重申了简政放权的重要性。 ……