最近,一个叫做MBTI的性格测试突然受到广泛关注。你做过这类性格测试吗?你是什么样的性格呢?一起来看看怎么用英语聊性格吧!最近,一个叫做MBTI的性格测试突然受到广泛关注。你做过这类性格测试吗?你是什么样的性格呢?一起来看看怎么用英语聊性格吧!询问别人的性格:1. How would you describe yourself?询问别人的性格:1. How would you describe ……
suggest a more hostile (怀有敌意的) personality (性格).Researchers at North Dakota State University in the US...敌意的) personality (性格).The study includes a number of experiments. In the first, researchers asked a group ……
美国研究人员近日发现,会说两种语言的人在使用不同语言时,其性格也会不自觉发生变化。据路透社报道,美国巴鲁克学院和威斯康星大学的研究人员调查了谙熟英语和西班牙语的西语裔女性后发现,这些兼具拉丁文化和美国白人文化背景的“双语”女性,个性有时发生较大变化,而语言可能是背后“诱因”。研究者表示,被调查的妇女认为她们在说西班牙语时比说英语时更自信、更外向一些。研究者还发现,与说两种语言、但生 ……
刻画人物的性格时,除了用到一些形容词,我们还需要通过一系列的细节描写(如人物的外貌、语言、行为和他人评价等),把人物写得丰满,使文章更生动、更有说服力。来看看下面的例子。刻画人物的性格时,除了... selling the house.小试牛刀请根据以下形容词拟定一个人物,并基于该形容词补充细节说明其性格特点。optimistic   ……
在进行性格描写时,为了突出人物的个性特征,我们可以先进行概括描述,同时辅以一系列的细节描写(如人物的外貌、语言、行为和他人评价等),这样才能将人物描写得更加具体、细腻,使文章更生动、更有说服力。 在进行性格描写时,为了突出人物的个性特征,我们可以先进行概括描述,同时辅以一系列的细节描写(如人物的外貌、语言、行为和他人评价等),这样才能将人物描写得更加具体、细腻,使文章更生动、更有 ……
Answer this to find out about yourselfYOU are marooned (把……放逐到孤岛) on a deserted island. You can choose one animal as a companion. What do you choose?A: A bird. ……
摘自: 性格小测试[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·高三版]
中考词汇 personality n. 性格,人格用法 :a strong personality 很强的个性。区别:personality只能指人,强调品格,包括性格。character可以指物,强调特点。She has a very warm personality. ……
shrug off满不在乎He was good-natured enough to shrug off the harsh remark as a joke.他性格好,把严厉的批评当作笑话看待。 ……
Sports do not build character. They reveal it. (竞技体育不能塑造人的性格,但却能充分体现一个人的性格。)– Haywood Hale Broun (1918-2001, US sports commentator)– Haywood Hale Broun (1918-2001, US sports commentator) ……
爱猫还是爱狗?也许只是因为性格不同In the “war” between dog people and cat people, which side would you choose? Believe it or not, your choice can say a lot about who you are and how you see the world. ……
(性格). Some are cool and don’t want to be close to people. Others like to follow and stay close... think cats just have two personalities (性格). Some are cool and don’t want to be close to people ……
other. They have different personalities (性格). Among them, the agreeable (和蔼可亲的) ones will get used... along with each other. They have different personalities (性格). Among them, the agreeable (和蔼可亲的) ones ……
Half full or half empty?拿杯子的部位显示性格。*This mind test is just for fun. Don’t take it seriouslyWhat part of the glass do you usually hold when you drink water?A: You are optimistic (乐观的) but careless.B ……
你性格中可能的“阴暗面”。This mind test is just for fun. Don’t take it seriously.If you had the power to wipe out an animal, which would you choose?A: You can be a rather arrogant (傲慢的) person.B: You are moody ……
“学霸”的英文表达“学霸”的直译是study overlord。在英语中,成绩突出,各方面都很优秀的学生可以说star student, top student。形容只会读书,性格古怪的学生则是nerd或geek;而bookish也表示书卷气很浓的人。 ……