摘 要: 英汉两种语言在整体思维与分析思维、辩证逻辑思维与形式逻辑思维、主观思维和客观思维方面存在差异,这对英语写作产生了一定影响。本文通过分析中英文语境下的思维模式的差异,帮助学生克服对母语思维的过度依赖,培养学生扎实的英语语言基本功,提高学生的英语写作能力。关键词: 中英文 思维模式 差异 英语写作人们总是通过听、读来理解和摄取语言,然后通过说、写来运用语言,可见,在听、说、读、写这 ……
长期以来,教师们在英语教学中一直沿用传统教学模式,即:教师把知识灌输给学生,学生被动地接受、消化,然后通过练习加以巩固。这在无形中禁锢了学生的思维,无法培养具有创新能力的人才,与当前的教育目标相悖。学生创新能力的培养要求教师改变教育理念,在教学中不断点拨启发,使学生养成良好的思维习惯。在此,笔者总结平时教学中的几点经验,与各位教师分享。一、词汇教学教师在词汇教学中应培养学生联系和比较的思维 ……
不切实际了!think outside the box (直译为“在盒子外面思考”,引申为“跳出固有思维模式,进行创造性思考。”) Mark keeps struggling...一直在用同样的方法纠缠着同一个问题 。他真的需要学着跳出自己的固有思维模式。(By Scott Chen from EQEnglish.com) ……
the box意思是“跳出固有思维模式、跳脱框架思考、创造性思维”。句意为:以低成本来做cosplay的关键就是学会跳出常规想问题。考点看台vThat Napoleon Bonaparte ……
Psychology of Success”(《思维模式:成功的新心理学》)中提出的概念,与其相对应的概念为“固定性思维”。拥有“成长型思维”模式... Psychology of Success”(《思维模式:成功的新心理学》)中提出的概念,与其相对应的概念为“固定性思维”。拥有“成长型思维”模式 ……
this mindset (思维模式) to our current circumstances, I am encouraged to remain positive above all else. A truly... in a “disgraceful (丢脸的) sort of ignorance”. When I apply this mindset (思维模式) to our ……
. There are also math modeling competitions. You can participate in them with a playful mindset (思维模式.... You can participate in them with a playful mindset (思维模式) to have some fun with math and CS ……
, Hou would say it’s not buying new books or desks, but a change of mindset (思维模式).What’s the most... it’s not buying new books or desks, but a change of mindset (思维模式). For example, for two years, he had ……
, concentration, procrastinate, motivation, master, neat, values, productive, mindset (思维模式..., productive, mindset (思维模式), wellbeingExpressions:Expressions:break bad habits, get better opportunities ……
a “more mature” mindset (思维模式) has helped her quickly bounce back. “At the beginning of the year, I... Daily. Zheng believes a “more mature” mindset (思维模式) has helped her quickly bounce back ……
mindset (思维模式) of those who play with it. According to the magazine Education Digest, the lock has.... Although Lu was not a mathematician, his invention has been training the mathematical mindset (思维模式 ……
look like human dollar signs.With a "buy now, pay later"mentality(思维模式), this group is assaulted ……
路牌在你眼中不仅仅是个路牌;如果波普成为了思维模式,你对整个美国的看法都会改变。 ……
唯一拥有冠军单曲的白人说唱女歌手。然而,颜值和才艺齐驱的她却招来诸多非议和打击(blow)。改变大众的思维模式(frame of mind)不容易,她颠覆旧规的大胆创新却也赢得了越来越多人的尊重。21ST ……
and a global mindset (思维模式), which are important for their career development, according to Qi.“Studying ……