有了不同观点也可以心平气和地表达。DON'Targue(争吵)! It might kill your friendship. But you can't always have the same ideas as your friend.How can you make everything right again when two friends can'tagree(同意)? Try ……
's blood boil.(会计携款潜逃的消息使经理怒不可遏。)但对两个好朋友来说,争论过后,双方心平气和地谈一谈,友谊会变得更加牢固。 ……
is a violent man and I know it is impossible to talk with him peacefully (心平气和地). What should I do? Can ……
青春期的我们怎么与父母心平气和地沟通?The relationship we have with our parents is probably the greatest one a person can have.Of all the people in the world, our parents are the only ones who are always there for us ……
青春期的我们如何才能心平气和地与家长沟通?Out of all the relationships we have in our lifetime, the one with our parents is the most important.When you think about it, no other relationship is like the one we have ……
怎么做?”。而我们更应该问的是:“我做的怎么样?”。你要求世界和平,但你是否心平气和地面对家人和朋友?你要世界停止仇恨,那你是否在心怀大爱地对待那些你认识或是不认识的人?你是 ……