意大利宇航员引用《兰亭集序》意大利宇航员引用《兰亭集序》In October, Italian astronaut (宇航员) Samantha Cristoforetti took three photos of China from space. Then, she quoted (引用) some words from the Preface to Poems Composed ……
Academic dishonesty can be many things. It includes using fake data or information, and plagiarism (剽窃) – when another person’s work is used directly without being credited (引用标注). Most Western ……
九十里只能算是走了一半。这句话比喻做事越接近成功越困难,越要认真对待、努力去做。习主席用这句话意在勉励大家,要肩负起历史重任,继续砥砺前行。习主席曾多次引用过关于勇敢拼搏、不畏艰难的俗语。比如,2017年11月9日,习主席在越南《人民报》发表的署名文章引用了俗语——“艰难困苦,玉汝于成(Adversity makes one stronger, just as polishing makes jade finer ……
's Smoking Control quotes (引用) a survey (调查), saying that about 82 percent of passive smoking happens ……
帽子戏法A: Did you watch the soccer game yesterday?B: Sure. Messi scored5 a hat trick. That’s great!hat trick (帽子戏法)源于19世纪英国流行的板球运动。比赛中,板球手连续用三个球得分,裁判便授予一顶帽子,作为荣誉的象征。后来,“帽子戏法”被引用到足球比赛中,指在一场比赛中,一名队员踢进对方球门三个球。 ……
tale into a happy one.AppsWant to find a quote (引用) or information about certain Andersen fairy ……
to.Sometimes girls use their diaries just to note down some quotes (引用) or their favorite songs or TV ……
. Tu will collect her prize there on Dec 10.屠呦呦在演讲中引用的是《登鹳雀楼》中的名句“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼”。英文完整说法是You will enjoy ……
It came out of the blue (突然地) on social networking sites.At first, lanshou xianggu, which means “blue thin shiitake mushroom”, made no sense to many internet users.The reference (引用) to lanshou ……
国事访问”可用pay a state visit to表示。论文被引用数academic paper citationChina’s academic science papers have ranked...者) to Chinese innovation (创新). “被引用最多的论文”可用most-cited papers表示,而“热点论文”可用hot papers表示。Worldgender gap性别 ……
China论文被引用数academic paper citationChina’s academic science papers have ranked second for global... of citations can show a country’s strength in scientific research. “被引用最多的论文”可以用most-cited papers表示,而“热点 ……
文献、作者基本信息。2.文字体:正文、参考文献、作者信息等均使用宋体5号;脚注由WORD文档自然生成;主标题用3号字体,小标题用5号字体;正文行距单倍;小标题上下各空1行。3.引用出处:如是引文先行,应在其后的括号内标出作者、出版或发表年份和页码,细节放在参考文献;如引用一位作者的数部作品且年代不同,应重复其姓名,不使用破折号。引用如是作者姓名先行,则在其后的括号内标出出版年份和页码。4.参考文献:只列出正文中引用 ……
席用这句话意在勉励大家,要肩负起历史重任,继续砥砺前行 (forge ahead)。习主席曾多次引用过关于勇敢拼搏、不畏艰难的俗语。比如,2017年11月9日,习主席在越南《人民报》发表的署名文章引用了俗语——“艰难困苦,玉汝于成(Adversity makes one stronger, just as polishing makes jade finer)”。同时,习主席还引用了越南俗语——“莫见 ……
九十里只能算是走了一半。这句话比喻做事越接近成功越困难,越要认真对待、努力去做。习主席用这句话意在勉励大家,要肩负起历史重任,继续砥砺前行 (forge ahead)。习主席曾多次引用过关于勇敢拼搏、不畏艰难的俗语。比如,2017年11月9日,习主席在越南《人民报》发表的署名文章引用了俗语——“艰难困苦,玉汝于成(Adversity makes one stronger, just as polishing makes ……
的participation 参与,分享tragic 悲剧的,悲剧性的quote 引用,摘引 ……