on purpose: 故意把事情弄糟HELPHELPHELPswear v. 发誓be stuck in: 陷入handle v. 处理feel confident: 感到自信quit v. 离开,离职mess things up on purpose: 故意把事情弄糟swear v. 发誓be stuck in: 陷入handle v. 处理feel confident: 感到自信quit v ……
每一次都努力让所有的人满意?那你现在就该跳出完美主义的陷阱,重见光明。人人都会犯错误,可能偶尔把事情弄糟,甚至完全搞砸。我们都有缺点,也有很多东西要学。就让生活做你的老师吧。 ……
you really screwed things up (弄糟) might be wrong. It's quite possible that you were actually better ……
." ---------------------------------------deceitful: 欺骗的narration: 旁白screw up: 弄糟 ……
." ---------------------------------------deceitful: 欺骗的narration: 旁白screw up: 弄糟 ……
for the presidency. 他已经70岁了,这是他竞选总统的最后一次机会。2. blow it: 弄糟,搞砸. blow: slang, 把……弄得一团糟,笨手笨脚的把……弄坏I finally got a job ……
to show their fans their best side. They don’t want to mess up (弄糟) the new album either. “We could ……
always tried to show their fans their best side. They don’t want to mess up (弄糟) the new album either ……
the impossible.HELPaudience n. 观众accidentally adv. 偶然地burn holes into: 死盯着lean v. 倾斜mess up: 弄糟 ……
them down today. Let's hope they didn't read my resume too carefully. 21ST----------screw up: 弄糟, 搞砸 ……
tonight: 我今天晚上彻底搞砸了。mess up表示"搞砸、弄糟",类似表达为"screw up"。"big"在这里强调程度极其严重。His mistake messed up all our ……
糟地。mess也可作动词,意为“弄乱,妨碍”,如:mess up 弄乱,弄糟。Your room is in a mess. Please tidy it now.destroy v. 毁灭用法:作及 ……
they met Gru.In the movie, minions keep making mistakes and messing (弄糟) everything up for their masters ……
I would be playing it in public for the first time, I was very worried that I would mess up (弄糟 ……
没有挺进过第二轮。---------------------------------------Americana 美国文化batter 面糊cupcake 杯形蛋糕fraught 充满……的frosting 糖霜mess with 弄糟,干扰muffin 松饼obesity 肥胖palate 爱好,味觉 ……