我被迫理了一次平头。LAST Monday, I went to school with a crew cut. It was all the fault of my cousin and my own foolishness (愚蠢). He said he could cut my hair beautifully. Foolishly, I agreed. After five ……
to be the champion (冠军) at all.” Bowl cut是我们中文里常说的“蘑菇头”。一起来看看其它常用发型用英文怎么说:波波头, bob; 麻花辫, braid; 平头, flattop; 板寸 ……
a strict hairstyle rule: nodyeing(染发), nocurling(卷发). Boys should have acrew cut(平头). Girls' hair ……
英文辞典里的宝贝多多,让我们一起来学点有趣又实用的吧!我的发型我做主据说国外的同胞们在理发上面总是比较郁闷,价钱比较贵是一方面,更重要的是沟通伤不起啊!这就是为啥好多人要么回国时剪发、要么自己动手的原因……由此来看,积累一些发型的说法还是很有必要的,让我们一起来看看常用的发型用英语怎么说:齐短发 bob辫子 braid平头 flattop板刷头 crew cut马尾辫 ponytail圆发 ……
training, so give me a crewcut.- 我要去军训了,所以剪个平头吧。5. I want some layers in the back. 我希望后面的头发有些层次。4... give me a crewcut.- 我要去军训了,所以剪个平头吧。5. I want some layers in the back. 我希望后面的头发有些层次。6. Please just ……
to have military training, so give me a crewcut.– 我要去军训了,所以剪个平头吧。5. I want some layers...;m about to have military training, so give me a crewcut.– 我要去军训了,所以剪个平头吧。5. I want some ……
.--------------------------------下期话题山东省济南市某中学目前出台一项规定:男生一律小平头,女生一律留运动型短发,不许染烫发。以此促使学生们将精力放在学习上,而不是注重外表、追求时尚。你认 ……
你赞同北京某中学对学生发型有严格规定吗?YESPei Bowen: As I have a crew cut (平头), I definitely know the benefits of it. First of all, it doesn’t take much time to wash my hair. Also, it looks pretty neat (整洁的) and tidy ……
crew cuts (平头). Girls' hair, on the other hand, had to be ear-length and neither dyed (染发) nor ……
just go ahead and do that style again."(我一般剪平头,这次也按照那个发型剪吧。)或者:Just take some more off the neck ……
decided to marry Queen Silvia, also a commoner, in 1976. Plebeian 指“平头老百姓的”,强调非富非贵非皇室。与皇室相对的、没有 ……
”“敝号”“家父”“拙文”等在英语中一概以my一词形容。不管是皇帝自称的“朕”,平头百姓用以自称的“小民”“奴才”,或是谦称的“在下”“鄙人”“晚生”“愚弟”“老朽”“贫僧”等,英语里只用一个“I ……
17ancestral: 祖传的armistice: 停战beading: 珠饰bless: 祝福constricted: 收缩的crew cut: 平头cripple: 残疾人flicker ……
HairstyleFor males:flattop 平头bowl cut 西瓜头buzz cut 寸头shaved 光头mohawk 鸡冠头Princeton 分头For females:pageboy 齐肩发,头发 ……
在学生培养过程中坚持把做人放在第一位,倡导学生为本,育人为先,坚持素质教育"六学会",并以此鞭策、激励全体学生。铁一中给社会各界的印象是以"严"著称。全校学生除舞蹈特长生外,男生一律平头,女生 ……