in Real Madrid this season.21STQuarterfinal n. 四分之一决赛,是指比赛进行到八进四阶段的淘汰赛。本泽马本赛季状态出色,在对阵希腊人竞技的比赛中先后踢进两球,为皇家马德里队锁定晋级四强的名额。 ……
希腊人上教堂,美国人去野餐。各国庆祝国庆的方式不一样。HAVE you ever seen more than 500,000 flowers together? It's hard to think of, you may say. But on October 1, you can see that many or even more flowers in Beijing!In Tian ……
, make their own light and keep warm. For theGreeks(希腊人), fire had a special meaning. They thought ……
all the money they lent to (借给) Greece. Then Herman came up with an idea! He thinks the Greeks (希腊人...11岁荷兰男孩设法帮助希腊解决问题Jurre Herman is an 11-year-old boy from the Netherlands (荷兰). Like most kids, he ……
a year. Later, the Greeks (希腊人) used crushed stones (碎石) as toothpaste. Kids at that time put stones ……
a year. Later, the Greeks (希腊人) used crushed stones (碎石) as toothpaste. Kids at that time put stones ……
神话传说(Greek mythology),居住在奥林匹斯山(Olympus)上的天神宙斯(Zeus)主宰着天地万物。为表达对他的崇敬,希腊人在伯罗奔尼撒半岛(Peloponnesos...赛跑(chariot racing)、赛马等。古希腊人认为,橄榄树(olive branch)是雅典保护神雅典娜(Athena)带到人间的,是神赐予人类和平与幸福的象征(symbol),因此 ……
摘自: 聚焦奥运[编辑:邵金荣, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
从超豪华的日本式到古罗马的"排排坐"式,世界各地的厕所五花八门,无奇不有。THE Romans liked to share the experience, sitting next to each other talking. TheGreeks(希腊人) used to enjoy the experience outside in the fresh air ……
it is a good idea?Page II 任务型阅读:1. 希腊人建造船只以便用橄榄油进行交易。2. (1) A (2) D 3. D4. (1) much (2) medicine (3 ……
摘自: 上期参考答案[TEENS, 21世纪学生英文报·初三版]
.The 11th Olympis Games第11届奥运会For the first time, the torch(火炬传递) relay became apartof the Games.希腊人 ……
用橄榄枝条编制,古希腊人认为橄榄树是雅典保护神雅典娜赐给人间的至宝,象征着吉祥与幸福。随着古希腊的灭亡,古奥运会也停止了,但它创造的竞技运动组织模式与奥林匹克精神,对现代体育产生了深远的影响。最早...行首届奥运会,因为这一年正好是希腊人民起义反抗土耳其统治者的75周年纪念。1896年4月6日至15日,第一届现代奥运会在雅典举行,奥林匹克由此掀开了新篇章。 ……
摘自: 漫谈奥运古今史[文/孙鹏 (北京新东方学校综合能, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
里全然没谱。2. 他把所有的钱都用在赌马上。3. 希腊人拥有丰富的文学和戏剧遗产。4. 早晨你总是那样充满活力。Answers1. I was at a complete loss as to how I ……
the blood-red dot of Mars in the sky. The ancient Greeks (希腊人) called the planet Ares, after ……
胡夫的孙子门卡乌拉国王(Menkare)。当时正处于第四王朝衰落时期,此时修建的金字塔已大不如前。“Pyramid”一词源于希腊语“pyramis”,意为“糕饼”,指古代希腊人常食用的一种尖顶状的糕饼。古埃及人称之为“庇里...克司”来称呼它。“Sphinx”源自希腊语“Sphiggein”,意思是“拉紧”,因希腊人把斯芬克司想象成一个狮身人面、会扼人致死的怪物。它用缪斯(Muse)所传授的谜语(又称斯芬克司之迷Sphinx ……
whenever they saw the blood-red dot (点) of Mars in the sky. The ancient Greeks (希腊人) called the planet Ares... the blood-red dot (点) of Mars in the sky. The ancient Greeks (希腊人) called the planet Ares after ……