a variety of Baroque-style (巴洛克风格) patterns in the collection, like colorful peonies (牡丹), butterflies... for the French bourgeoisie (资产阶级) during the century”, Ferrer printed a variety of Baroque-style (巴洛克 ……
. In theRenaissance(文艺复兴) andBaroque(巴洛克) periods in Europe, rich people were expected to be able to dance at social ……
. His works have been translated into Chinese. ---------------------------------------baroque: 巴洛克 ……
. His works have been translated into Chinese.---------------------------------------baroque: 巴洛克式curry ……
in European baroque (巴洛克风格) and classical music. Bach, Haydn and Mozart are my favorite composers (作曲 ……
成功的乐队。《Yesterday》是The Beatles发行的一首巴洛克流行风格歌曲,收录于The Beatles于1965年8月发行的录音室专辑《Help!》。1966年3月,该曲在第8届格莱美奖中获得年度制作、年度...士乐队) 是一支来自英国利物浦的摇滚乐队,可以说是流行音乐史上最有影响力、拥有最多歌迷、最为成功的乐队。《Yesterday》是The Beatles发行的一首巴洛克流行风格歌曲,收录于The Beatles于 ……
, but did not recover the paintings.---------------------------------------Baroque: 巴洛克风格(十七 ……
(巴洛克) and Romantic (浪漫主义) eras. Romantic painter Francisco Goya has 14 paintings on display ……
: 巴洛克时期的conjure:想象Cervantes: 塞万提斯《堂吉柯德》的作者cubism: 立体派flamenco: 弗来明哥舞expressionist: 表现主义的extroverted ……
. Paul’s Church (大三巴牌坊), you can see both Western baroque (巴洛克) design and Chinese elements... baroque (巴洛克) design and Chinese elements, such as peony (牡丹) flowers and lions. There are even ……
. The architectural style was changed first to baroque (巴洛克风格) and later to the same romantic style as England... times. The architectural style was changed first to baroque (巴洛克风格) and later to the same romantic ……
时的著名建筑大师贝尔尼尼(Gian Lorenzo Bernini)亲自监督工程的建设。贝尔尼尼以提倡华丽、夸张为特点的巴洛克式艺术著称于世。整个广场有两重的巴洛克式柱廊(baroque colonnade)围绕。【难句 ……