2020年12月5日-6日,首届中国基础教育论坛暨中国教育学会第33次学术年会在江苏南京顺利召开. 教育部副部长郑富芝、江苏省人民政府副省长马欣、南京市委副书记兼南京市市长韩立明、中国教育学会会长朱之文出席开幕式并发表讲话. ……
“别这么娇气。” 英语怎么说?Don’t be a baby!例句: It’s just a little rain. Don’t be a baby! 只不过是下了一点小雨而已,别这么娇气好吗! ……
. Correct answer: d)a) shower: 阵雨b) drizzle: 小雨c) downpour: 瓢泼大雨5. Correct answer: a)a) a heatwave ……
that falls within 24 hours. For example:Light rain 小雨: 10 mm within 24 hoursLight rain 小雨: 10 mm within 24 hoursHeavy rain 大雨: 25-50 mm within 24 hoursHeavy rain ……
还可以是downpour、rainstorm。小雨、中雨、大雨分别为light/moderate/heavy rain。雷阵雨 (thundershower/thunderstorm)、毛毛....Torrential作形容词,表示“猛烈的;汹涌的”。暴雨还可以是downpour、rainstorm。小雨、中雨、大雨分别为light/moderate/heavy rain ……
小朋友们,我是小不“点”。我平时经常和大家碰面。比如:春天里的小雨点,语文课上的小句点。但是大家可不能小看我,我的本领可大了。在中文里,我和不同的字搭配,可以表达不同的意思。现在我们来看看英文表达方式有什么不同吧!点头Theconductoroftennodsto the musicians when he is on thestage. 这个指挥家在台上的时候常冲着乐手们点头。点数Let ……
enjoy the rhythm of the falling rain.我喜欢听淅淅沥沥的雨声。For rain that is not heavy, we say "light rain" (小雨 ……
It was drizzling (下小雨) outside on Jan 21. I had plans to meet two of my friends downtown. I took... XIANLIN CAMPUS, JIANGSUTUTOR: ZHAO LI It was drizzling (下小雨) outside on Jan 21. I had plans to meet ……
It was drizzling (下小雨) outside on Jan 21. I had plans to meet two of my friends downtown. I took... XIANLIN CAMPUS, JIANGSUTUTOR: ZHAO LI It was drizzling (下小雨) outside on Jan 21. I had plans to meet ……
and training in the drizzle (小雨), I was extremely exhausted and intended to give up, but I persevered (坚持... in the burning sun and training in the drizzle (小雨), I was extremely exhausted and intended to give up ……
照在身上暖暖得就像有人抱着一样。8. The sound of light rain in spring is so relaxing to fall asleep to.听着春天淅淅沥沥的小雨声让人很放松,很容易入睡。现学 ……
照在身上暖暖得就像有人抱着一样。8. The sound of light rain in spring is so relaxing to fall asleep to.听着春天小雨 ……
, there is a light drizzle, but you don’t need an umbrella.有些日子会有小雨,但你不需要带伞。Drizzle表示“下毛毛雨”。9. Some days, there is a light drizzle, but you don’t need an umbrella.有些日子会有小雨,但你 ……
第二十四中学徐仲俪 长沙外国语学校陶然 江苏省南京外国语学校吴倩倩 罗湖外国语学校张玥 西安高新一中王小雨 河北蔦"6ǖ谌醒n唐淳淳 东北育才学校黄玥 河南郑州外国语学校刘冰 大连开发区第一中学竺斌全 上海 ……
. It wasdrizzling(下小雨) outside, but the old man in the shelter was kind enough to burn two warming lamps ……