滚滚”比赛中,老师们正在小心翼翼地滚动着一个paperwheel.Stone painting FuwaThese students (北京羊坊店中心小学) make a Fuwa ……
摘自: 妙图沙拉[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
, the two decide to be together for the sake of the baby.在下面的对话中,Alison的朋友Jack和Jill想要她减肥,但是又怕伤害她的感情,所以只好小心翼翼地 ……
and the process had come to an end. I opened the lid (盖子) gingerly (小心翼翼地). It was a memorable moment &ndash... was ready and the process had come to an end. I opened the lid (盖子) gingerly (小心翼翼地 ……
.There before me was the tomb (墓) of the pharaoh (法老), the one who had built the pyramid. We cautiously (小心翼翼地... cautiously (小心翼翼地) walked through rooms filled with hieroglyphics (象形文字) and paintings of the pharaoh ……
(小心翼翼地)," says Zhou Yu from Grade 5. 她种了一棵莴笋苗。“我们班地里第2行右边第3棵就是我的小菜苗!”Zhou Yu visits andwatersher ……
fog. 我小心翼翼地在大雾中开车。coax: v. 劝诱,哄劝,常用搭配为"coax sb. into/out of doing sth." (哄某人做/不做某事)He coaxed her ……
touching the ground 踮起脚走,小心翼翼地走He tiptoed quietly around the house to avoid waking the children ……
touching the ground 踮起脚走,小心翼翼地走He tiptoed quietly around the house to avoid waking the children ……
would fail the test.释义:比利双手在身前窝成了杯状走着,小心翼翼地尽量不把手里的水洒出去。语法:not to do 为不定式否定式。She speaks very politely ……
fail the test.释义:比利双手在身前窝成了杯状走着,小心翼翼地尽量不把手里的水洒出去。语法:not to do 为不定式否定式。She speaks very politely ……
国西部又称为达瓦兹Dawazi,是具有两千年历史的维吾尔族传统体育项目。Walk a tightrope也可作比喻意,表示小心翼翼地处理棘手的事情,类似于walk a fine line。 要就 ……
:他每天小心翼翼地给它浇水。用法:take care to do sth 表示“小心地做某事”,take care 单独使用,指“注意,小心”。Take care to make sure ……
释义:4月1日上午,当 John 全神贯注地盯着电视等待彩票开奖结果时,我小心翼翼地从假彩票上剪下一些数字,使之与中奖彩票相匹配。1 释义:4月1日上午,当 John 全神贯注地盯着电视等待彩票开奖结果时,我小心翼翼地从假彩票上剪下一些数字,使之与中奖彩票相匹配。点拨:在具体某一天的上下午,要使用介词 on。 be glued to sth 意为“无法停止观看某事物”,指对 ……
of his debts, but when he cautiously (小心翼翼地) raised the subject, he did not get the explosion of bad... father for money, to pay off some of his debts, but when he cautiously (小心翼翼地) raised the subject ……
法诺用线将空心的奶油泡芙穿成了一件结婚礼服,但礼服却散掉了。有了这次的经验,什捷法诺又尝试先制作出结婚礼服的框架,然后再将泡芙小心翼翼地黏附在上面。为帮助未婚夫将更多的泡芙附着其上,维多 ……
摘自: 趣文赏析[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]