daughter to send (寄) a letter. After she left, he realized (意识到) he had forgotten to write ……
小小明信片,悠悠相思情。What will you do during a trip? Visit famous places, shop and take photos? There is one thing you should never forget (忘记) – send (寄) a postcard.Postcards have 170 years of history ……
about 30,000 yuan.” “Great!” says Sally. She buys the parrot and sends (寄) it to her mother ……
让人读不懂的信反而开价更高?词数 139 建议阅读时间 6分钟 测试见7版 JACK works a long way from home. He wants tosend(寄) a letter to his wife. But he doesn't have time. He has to work all day. What can he do?He has an idea. Why ……
至:tourcom@126.com,或 寄 往:北京第二外国语学院外国语言学及应用语言学研究所。联系方式联 系 人:袁连荣 王景汉联系电话:(010)65778279传 真:(010)65778276 ……
出国培训备选人员外语水平考试(BFT)报名表》,并于6月10日前将报名表和身份证复印件送(寄)至选定考点报名。 ……
8月30日前将项目申请书一式5份(含原件1份)送(寄)至北京新街口外大街19号,北京师范大学社科管理咨询服务中心,邮编为100875。如邮寄,请保证在截止日期前收到,逾期不予受理。同时,请将 ……
in Shanghai.2. send v. 送,寄 (sent, sent)用法:send sb sth = send sth to sb 送某人某物;send for sb 派人去请。We sent ……
证书和任职资格证书等复印件,并附彩色近照一张,通过E-mail或邮寄方式发(寄)送到学院办公室,合则约见。地址:广州市萝岗区九龙镇华南师范大学增城学院办公室 邮政编码:511363联系人:董老师、吴老师 联系电话:(020 ……
摘自: 招贤纳士[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
级学生或在读硕士研究生;具有较好的雅思或托福成绩。申请者可登陆http://apply.csc.edu.cn/ 进行网上报名,并在2007年1月12日前将单位正式推荐函、推荐名单及个人完整申请材料(一式两份)寄 ……