——贝塔斯曼的 中国攻略
这些门店关停后不久,贝塔斯曼在业务上做出了新的举措。2006年11月,贝塔斯曼直接集团(中国)与家乐福中国区总部招商部签署协议,双方在未来12个月内将在全国范围内大力拓展“书友会家乐福店”计划。根据双方“排他性原则”,今后中国内地的“家乐福”超市将不在已有贝塔斯曼零售连锁店的店内接纳其他图书零售企业,而贝塔斯曼零售连锁店也不再入驻中国内地的其他大型超市。据悉,目前家乐福集团在中国31个城市开设有83家大 ……
Jiaxin's father works at a Carrefour (家乐福). She visits her father's workplace with her classmates. 最让 ……
欧盟50岁啦!词数 320 建议阅读时间 5分钟 CHINESE people had big celebrations in European shops last Sunday. They enjoyed a number of price cuts in European supermarkets like the French supermarket chain,Carrefour(家乐福 ……
除了抗议我们还能如何更理性地表达爱国热情?词数 230 教案见网站 建议阅读时间 6分钟SHOPPING is easy, but where to go has got harder in recent weeks. "If you love China, don't shop at Carrefour (家乐福):" the text massage is common ……
exposed some other companies that went against consumers’ rights. For example, Carrefour (家乐福) sold ……
their foreignpeers(同行) taught them. Colourful posters sent byCarrefour(家乐福) with sales information caught ……
student from Beijing No 4 High School worked inCarrefour(家乐福超市) with her classmates as a volunteer ……
走访了北京市几家大型超市后发现,家乐福、易初莲花、物美等超市都设有进口食品专柜。不少进口食品的外包装上只有一些洋文,即使附有中文标签,也只是简单注明了商品的名称和产地。当记者拿起一盒法国进口芝士,指着外包装上的法语说明,询问 ……