两轮考试严格筛选 系统教授奥运知识
随着2006年硕士研究生考试的来临,各高校研究生招生工作进入了紧张的筹备阶段。记者近日获悉,2006年北京大学、清华大学等16所北京高校将在新入学研究生中选拔446名奥运赛时实习生,为2008年奥运会培养专业人才。据北京奥组委相关负责人介绍,去年9月,奥组委与北京大学、清华大学等16所北京高校签署了培养奥运会赛时实习生的合作备忘录。奥运赛时实习生 ……
北京奥组委迎来首批法国实习生近日,首批来自法国的三名实习生开始“入驻”北京奥组委从事翻译方面的实习。据悉,为确保在奥运会期间提供高质量的法语翻译服务,北京奥组委与法国驻华使馆达成了北京奥组委人员赴法培训和法方派遣实习生来华实习的合作意向。根据意向,法国驻华使馆计划每次派3名实习生参与北京奥组委相关工作,每轮实习期为6个月。此次来奥组委工作的三名法国实习生为第一批到华实习人员。大连 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
民主党众议员阿尔玛·亚当斯(《卫报》)现任美国众议院发言人保罗·莱恩(Paul Ryan)是一位共和党人。他7月17日在自己的Twitter页面发了一张他与国会山实习生们的自拍,可让他没想到的是这张照片很快在网上引起了轩然大波,只因细心的网友发现这一百多名实习生几乎全是白人。一位昵称是Awesomely Luvv的 Twitter网友评论说:“ is so white that I had to put ……
intern (实习生) is definitely getting fired tonight.”But at least it is not the first time the President ……
times on QQ Music, reported ifeng.com.Before joining the show, Mao worked as an intern (实习生) nurse...毛不易:从实习护士到歌坛新星。 Mao Buyi is not very handsome. He never went to music school. It seems impossible ……
"史上最牛的实习生"到底缘何一夜成名?词数 294 建议阅读时间 9分钟 测试见7版JUST a few weeks ago, Matthew Robson was just like any...) teenagers use.It all began when Robson got a summer job working as an intern (实习生) at Morgan Stanley ……
.-----------------------------------------------handicraft: 手工intelligent: 有智慧的intern: 实习生 ……
for work. 那个新实习生非常开朗外向,她经常出去聚会,所以常常上班迟到。explicit: adj.明确的She won't get lost, I gave her explicit ……
新闻tabloid 小报intern 实习生notoriety 恶名corporation 机构 ……
.---------------------------------------British Royal Mint 英国皇家造币厂tails 硬币背面trainee 实习生,新人royal coat of arms ……
) while he was shooting the drama. He worked in a hotel as an intern (实习生) for six months to prepare ……
studying at the Shanghai Dramatic Academy (上海戏剧学院) . He was put to work in a hotel as an intern (实习生 ……
for his looks and was required to work as an intern (实习生) in a hotel for six months. There no one ……
as an intern (实习生) at Phoenix TV for a week!My mentor, Vivi, led me up to the fourth floor and showed ……
stocks (股票), funds (基金) and securities (证券). They also work in security companies as interns (实习生 ……