health, Frank canceled his travel plans to Africa. 释义: 她被看作愤怒女神,是因为她父亲对她所做过的一切。用法:be considered ……
精湛的演奏技巧与时尚典雅的气质征服了世界乐迷的心,被乐迷称为“小提琴女神”。本次音乐会穆特特地为北京观众带来了一系列莫扎特的小提琴奏鸣曲:包括《F大调小提琴奏鸣曲》(Sonata in F Major)、《降E大调小提琴奏鸣曲》(E Flat ……
Do you know the lady on every Olympicmedal(奖牌)? She is Nike. She is the Greekgoddess(女神) ofvictory(胜利). ……
新晋“金鹰女神”迪丽热巴Actress Dilraba Dilmurat won big at this year’s Golden Eagle Festival. What has made the 26-year-old such a popular star? ……
's landmarks (标志建筑). They include the Statue of Liberty (自由女神像) and the Brooklyn Bridge. ……
China's Great Wall and making the Statue of Liberty (自由女神像) disappear.He will also visit Shenzhen ……
) of the city, including the Statue of Liberty (自由女神像) and Times Square. 21ST ……
热巴除了有姣好的面容,鲜有影视代表作,在众星云集的《克拉恋人》中本难出头。但是她凭借自己的努力,成功诠释时而女神时而女神经的女演员高雯,无缝链接两面转化可与全智贤刻画的千颂伊媲美。 ……
the lyre (里拉琴) a long time ago. Its music is beautiful.Athena 雅典娜女神In Greek myths (希腊神话), Athena is a goddess (女神). She is kind, clever and brave. Old tree古老的橄榄树Crete (克里特岛) is the biggest island ……
AFP 自由女神像之下呼吁巴以停火自由女神像之下呼吁巴以停火Hundreds of Jewish Americans (犹太裔美国人) called for a ceasefire (停火) in the Palestine-Israel conflict (巴以冲突) at the Statue of Liberty in New York City on Nov 6 ……
ofvictory(胜利女神). On the other side, there is ajade ring(玉环) around the Beijing Gamesemblem(会徽 ……
An old story says if you bake (烘焙) your bread on Christmas Eve, it will stay fresh (保持新鲜) forever.The world’s largest Christmas present was the Statue of Liberty (自由女神像). The French (法国人) gave ……
“女神”教练郎平与中学生亲密接触。词数 80 建议阅读时间 3分钟Lang Ping is the head coach (总教练) of the Chinese women’s volleyball team. This summer, the team won a gold medal at the Rio Olympic Games. Their fighting spirit ……
great building. I like the Statue of Liberty (自由女神像), too. I played with pigeons under it.SallyThis...菲尔铁塔应该是法国的。Lisa说在澳大利亚游览了自由女神像,而自由女神像应该是美国的。Sally说巴黎是德国的首都,而巴黎应该是法国的首都。 ……
of Liberty (自由女神像), too. I played with pigeons under it.This magic machine is mine. It took me... many beautiful dresses there.Key: 真正的发明家是Carl。Frank说在意大利游览了埃菲尔铁塔,而埃菲尔铁塔应该是法国的。Lisa说在澳大利亚看到了自由女神像,而自由女神 ……