has now been suspended (使暂时失效). By Gabriella Van Leuven,21st Century Teens staff ……
VCG 美国第42条法案失效,预计移民将激增美国第42条法案失效,预计移民将激增Immigrants (移民) waited to be checked in at the border (边境) in Arizona, US, in the early morning of May 10. They came from Mexico and were ……
笔迹专家巴尔扎克的经验在自己身上失效。词数 174 建议阅读时间 3.5分钟 BALZAC (巴尔扎克), the famous French writer, was a man of great talent. He himself was very proud of his ability to tell a person''s character (性格) by his or her ……
the holder's name, sex, date of birth and photograph, as well as the card'sexpiry(失效) date and number ……
’t findIf you try to place a hold, you will get an error message, “privileges (特权) have expired (失效 ……
流感疫苗为何常常失效?THERE is a difference between a common cold and the flu (流感). A cold gives you a runny nose, cough and sometimes a fever, but generally you feel better after a week. The flu, on the other ……
日前,牛津大学的学者们公布了10大最“令人厌恶”的英文词语,其中,词组at the end of the day位居榜首。据英国《每日电讯报》报道,这一榜单出现在Damp Squid: The English Language Laid Bare一书中。作者故意将damp squib(意为失效、落空)写成damp squid(意为潮湿的鱿鱼),因为有42%的网民将damp squib中的 ……
of the capital by violent protestors. Interim表示“临时的、过渡期的”,临时政府有“失效日期”(expiry date),之后将举行选举或者宣布成立正式政府。近义 ……
. Failure在这里不是“失败”,而是“失效、失灵”,常与机械、电力等词汇连用,如:a power failure (电力故障)。如果failure用于形容人体的机能,则是“衰竭、减退”的意思,如 ……
参加了游行示威而被指责为捣乱分子。2. 政府在努力推广使用新型清洁能源。3. 你的这种做法导致我们之间合同的失效。4. 这种产品与那种产品之间没有明显的区别。Answers1. He was branded ……
耐克最新款要花掉一大笔钱是再正常不过了。结构:用双重否定来突出价格的高昂。Expressionsrun out: become no longer valid (协议、文件)失效 ……
that the bad effect was completely negated (失效) when a specific warning about the particular... effect was completely negated (失效) when a specific warning about the particular inaccuracy was provided ……
由的象征。2这些展示男子气概的场面可能是刻意而为,但它们却影响着公众的心理。3克里姆林宫尚未承认,普京一贯的“硬汉”作风是赢得民意的手腕,但一旦公开承认,这手段不就失效了吗?4作者 ……
结构的掌握相对较差。以上结果不支持最小树假说以及特征失效假说等。虽然学习者能成功地重设L2疑问导句词C的参数值,但他们还没有充分设置好主题化导句词C的参数值。文/戴曼纯 全文见《解放军外国语学院学报》2009年1期 ……
普则继续保持他一贯的外部人士的形象,力图对他认为已经失效的行政部门进行改革,希望从一个商业的角度来看待经济、就业和对外事务。希拉里斥责特朗普拒绝披露报税单,称其有所隐瞒。但对观众来说,很难不去想那3万3千条 ……