in the mostly catholic (天主教的) country are surprisingly high, and lots of marriages end within the first ……
A NEW law in Wisconsin, US, would have allowed citizens to bring concealed (隐藏的) firearms with them wherever they went. But local Roman Catholic bishops (罗马天主教主教) put their foot down (坚决反对) and asked ……
今天世界上普遍使用的英文版《圣经》不下几十种,其翻译也各有千秋。不过,美国天主教会刚刚推出的修订版《新美国圣经》,采用了更通行的文字,为读者提供更为准确、也更富诗意的圣经版本。据《今日美国》报道,50名学者、翻译家、语言学家、神学家和五名主教,花费了17年时间钻研原版圣经、死海古卷(Dead Sea Scrolls)及现行1970年《新美国圣经》问世以来新的考古发现和研究,才得以完成这本罗马天主教 ……
they could not follow their religion. They wereCatholic(天主教徒) at a time when the king, James I ……
日前,“第三届海峡两岸外语教学研讨会”在台湾举行。台湾天主教辅仁大学校长黎建球、高雄文藻外语学院院长李文瑞、上海外国语大学校长曹德明及北京外国语大学副校长钟美荪出席了会议。与会者针对两岸四校的外语教学方向与实务进行了专题演讲。钟美荪在发言中强调了北京外国语大学实施的“精英教育”及“打开校门、走出国门”的国际观;李文瑞表示,高雄文藻外语学院在技职教育体系中突显了value、voice、vision ……
比利时一项最新调查显示,随着国际化程度的日益提高,英语在布鲁塞尔正越来越流行,而且在某种程度上威胁到了官方语言法语和荷兰语的地位。这项由天主教鲁汶大学进行的调查显示,与过去相比,比利时人在布鲁塞尔居民中的比例正在下降,同时能讲多种语言的居民正越来越多。虽然法语和荷兰语是比利时的官方语言,但是因为布鲁塞尔同时又是欧盟、北约等众多国际组织的总部所在地,所以其国际化程度也越来越高,英语 ……
据《爱尔兰独立报》报道,日前,爱尔兰天主教中学管理协会(Association of Management of Catholic Secondary Schools)向政府建议,政府应吸纳一些口译员向母语为非英语的学生家长提供语言帮助。他们还请求允许学校为这部分家长额外翻译、印刷多语种的招生政策信息。该协会在提交给教育部长Batt O'Keeffe的文件中指出,所有 ……
一起来新奥尔良狂欢吧。词数 246 建议阅读时间 4分钟CARNIVAL is a Catholic (天主教的) festival celebrated in many parts of the world. The celebration takes place before Lent, a period of 40 days when Catholics pray and think ……
Britain.Guy Fawkes was a figure from seventeenth century Britain. He was aCatholic(天主教徒), and along ……
century Britain. He was a Catholic (天主教徒), and along with a number of other Catholic conspirators (同谋), he ……
(天主教徒) and Protestants (新教徒), between traditionally Catholic Celtic and the Protestant Rangers ……
square. At one end is St Mark’s Basilica, one of the most famous and beautiful Catholic (天主教 ……
Catholicism (天主教) as the biggest religion in the world.However, Islam is often misunderstood ……
(诸圣婴孩庆日,天主教的一个节日). It has a history of 200 years. More than 1,500 eggs and quite a lot of flour fly ……
accepted. Walking around the city, you might see a Thai Buddhist (佛教的) temple, a Catholic cathedral (天主教 ……