scored both the team's goals.The second match against Syria will take place in Damascus (大马士革 ……
摘自: sport[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·高中版]
Victory in defeatCHINA moved into the final round of the Asian Olympic football qualifying competition last Wednesday.Despite losing 3-2 toSyria(叙利亚) inDamascus(大马士革), China's 2-0 victory at home ……
摘自: Sport[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·高中版]
Beirut to Damascus (大马士革,叙利亚首都). We stopped at checkpoints (检查站) every few minutes. I didn&rsquo... Beirut to Damascus (大马士革,叙利亚首都). We stopped at checkpoints (检查站) every few minutes. I didn&rsquo ……
to Damascus (大马士革,叙利亚首都). We stopped at checkpoints (检查站) every few minutes. I didn’t understand... to Damascus (大马士革,叙利亚首都). We stopped at checkpoints (检查站) every few minutes. I didn’t understand ……
健康”的中文标识引人关注,叙利亚展商将大马士革玫瑰精油等富有民族特色的展品引进中国。200余场精彩纷呈的中外文艺表演精彩呈现,全面展现中国各地人文特色和风土人情,集中展示中外人文艺术风采。透过...质文化遗产、国家级步行街、中国旅游等展示专区。坦桑尼亚带来精美的手工油漆画,希腊食品展台上“药食同源、吃出健康”的中文标识引人关注,叙利亚展商将大马士革 ……
a stranger to society.三十年监狱生活让他跟社会十分疏离。英语词汇解析ecology 生态linger 逗留,徘徊grazing 放牧stabilize 使稳定Damascus 大马士革 ……
of social media, seemed to carry nowhere near the cachet of Batman or Miley Cyrus.8月21日,有报道称叙利亚巴沙尔政府部队使用含有沙林毒气的火箭弹袭击首都大马士革 ……