The Chinese national football team's assistant coach Shen Xiangfu holds the 2002 FIFA World Cup champion's trophy (奖杯) in Beijing on October 30. The gold trophy was also displayed in Shanghai during its two-day exhibition. ……
XINHUA 梅西圆梦,终捧大力神杯梅西圆梦,终捧大力神杯Find out what made LionelFind out what made LionelMessi who he is today PAGE 8Messi who he is today PAGE 8 ……
stories at parties are also in this book.Trophy pays a visitTHEFIFA World Cup Trophy(大力神杯) came to China ……
Argentina lost to Germany in the final. Unprecedented 意为“空前的”。梅西第五次问鼎金球奖,然而阿根廷天王愿意用这个史无前例的成就去换一座大力神杯。 ……
Messi (center) lifts up the World Cup trophy. AFP Messi’s team won the World CupMessi’s team won the World Cup梅西终捧大力神杯梅西终捧大力神杯On Dec 18, the 2022 FIFA World Cup ……
... 为代价holder: 持有人,这里指上届大力神杯持有人,即卫冕冠军Les Bleus: 法语,蓝色军团,法国国家足球队的别称 ……
2006德国世界杯(FIFA World Cup Germany 2006)的赛程已接近尾声,最激动人心的总决赛即将拉开战幕。谁将最终捧得“大力神杯”,成为本届世界杯的擂主目前还是未解之迷。本栏目将与读者共同关注比赛结果,并为读者介绍与世界杯相关的语言知识。本期介绍世界杯赛程的相关词汇。---------------------------------盛夏的热浪挡不住亿万球迷对世界杯的热情,能亲 ……