惊奇或喜悦等。What a sunny day it is!二、大写字母要规范1. 句子的首字母要大写。What does your father do?2. 表示人民、民族和语言的词,其首字母要大写。Chinese, American, English3. 人名、地名、国名、重要建筑物等专有名词的首字母应大写。其中,人名中姓和名的首字母都要大写。Li Minhao, Beijing, China ……
惊奇或喜悦等。What a clever boy you are!II.大写字母要规范1. 句子的首字母要大写。What are you doing?2. 表示人民、民族和语言的词,其首字母要大写。Chinese,American,English3. 人名、地名、国名、重要建筑物等专有名词的首字母应大写。其中,人名中姓和名的首字母都要大写。Ji Dongmin,Beijing,China, the Great ……
be capitalized (大写), for example, Li Hua. If people have a compound surname (复姓), the first letter ……
emphasize their reaction to funny videos in several ways: capitalization (大写) (LOL, 开怀大笑), elongation (延长 ……
那天,小遍在超市买果冻,竟然站了好久来比较果冻的营养说明。因为它们都是用大写英文字母写的,累得小编头昏眼花才看懂。不过在英美国家,大写字母的商标或是说明比比皆是,咱们还得练练。快来看看你是不是比小编厉害吧!1. The two types of Jell-O contain different amounts of the following per serving, except _____ ……
)Foggy Section(英文改译由北京大学胡壮麟教授提供)《道路交通标识英文用语规范》(现行)1.北京市单位、机构等专有名称的英文用语遵循大小写结合的原则,每个单词首字母大写,其余字母小写。2.汉语拼音和英文单词结合的道路或地名遵循汉语拼音大写,英文单词首字母大写,其余字母小写的原则,以区别汉语拼音和英文单词。3.大街、路和高速路在与具体的地名同时出现时,须采用缩写形式,缩写时首字母大写,其余 ……
后来明基将q单独大写,希望人们将其读为“Ben Queue”,但实际上这听起来像人们排起长队去银行取钱。 ……
(大写) one of the letters.Finally, if you must use computers in public areas, pick passwords you can ……
punctuation (标点符号) and capitalize (以大写字母写) letters. Once you finish a lesson, you can take the quizzes. Don ……
How to make your passwords (密码) safer? Researchers from Bloomberg Businessweek have some tips for you.First, simply upper-casing (大写) your password can reduce a hacker’s (黑客) chance of breaking ……
How to make your passwords (密码) safer? Researchers from Bloomberg Businessweek have some tips for you.First, simply upper-casing (大写) your password can reduce a hacker’s (黑客) chance of breaking ……
怎样设计一个安全的密码?HOW can you make your computer and Internet passwords (密码) safe? Scientists have some tips for you.First, make your password out of capital (大写的) letters. It will be difficult for others ……
comments in capitalized (大写的) letters (LOL), write it as “loooooool”, or write the same word many times ……
to researchers from Bloomberg Businessweek, upper-casing (大写) your password is a good way to make ……
passwords are not safe online. Here are some tips for a safer password. Upper-casing (大写) your password ……