科学家绘出人类详细的基因组图A MORE detailed map of the human genetic sequence (基因序列) has been created, said... of the existing human genome map draft (人类基因组草图) completed in 2000. ……
) the full genome map (基因组图谱) of the rose for the first time. The study, published in the journal Nature ……
breakthroughs. But as the genome maps (基因组图) of major crops are ever more detailed, the possibility...转基因食品益处多多,但为何人们仍然对其有所顾虑?它们到底是福还是祸?IF technology can organize a crop's natural defences against ……
and to help tailor cancer treatments.人类基因组计划(Human Genome Project)是一项规模宏大,跨国跨学科的科学探索工程。其宗旨在于绘制人类基因组图谱,破译...先提出后,美国国会于1990年批准并启动了这一项目,计划耗资30亿美元,历时15年完成整个研究计划。包括中国、英国、法国、德国、日本、前苏联和印度在内的许多国家都相继加入了该计划。最终人类基因组 ……