体). The strongest structure (最坚固的结构) held 27.5 kilograms! Students said it was so fun to learn science ……
坚固的,结实的 ……
’t want a nice little glass dome over you. You want something a bit more solid (坚固的). ”HealthThe biggest ……
and steady (坚固的). The animal sculptures (雕塑) on it, such as lions and dragons are lively and stand ……
and so is hurt.They were turning in circles (圆圈), thirsty (口渴的) and firm (坚固的).2. Fill in the blanks ……
place. It can also be used as a tent, but it is more solid (坚固的) than a tent. ……
as a safe sleeping place. It can also be used as a tent, but it is more solid (坚固的) than a tent. ……
高考词汇firm adj. 坚固的,坚实的I’d rather sleep on a firm mattress than a soft one.purchase n. 购买A house is the most expensive purchase that most people ever make.assume vt. 设想,猜想Let’s assume that they’re ……
. The turtle nest broke down the tough (坚固的) wall between Ronnie and her father. However ……
维亚人说,“朋友是生命中最好的财富”。中塞长期友好交往和互利合作充分表明,两国关系不断深化发展顺应历史潮流,符合人民根本利益,有利于双方共同进步。文章中使用了多种表达来描述中塞之间坚固的友谊。文章中使用了多种表达来描述中塞之间坚固的 ……
是生命中最好的财富”。中塞长期友好交往和互利合作充分表明,两国关系不断深化发展顺应历史潮流,符合人民根本利益,有利于双方共同进步。文章中使用了多种表达来描述中塞之间坚固的友谊。文章中使用了多种表达来描述中塞之间坚固的 ……
是生命中最好的财富”。中塞长期友好交往和互利合作充分表明,两国关系不断深化发展顺应历史潮流,符合人民根本利益,有利于双方共同进步。文章中使用了多种表达来描述中塞之间坚固的友谊。文章中使用了多种表达来描述中塞之间坚固的 ……
英文翻译中的like-minded表示“志趣相投的”。例如:Friends are often like-minded. (朋友通常是志同道合的。)此外,习爷爷的署名文章中使用了多种表达来描述坚固的友谊。我们一起来看看吧!此外,习爷爷的署名文章中使用了多种表达来描述坚固的友谊。我们一起来看看吧!好朋友、好知音:good friends 好朋友、好知音:good friends 好伙 ……
) and make sure the shuttle stays tough (坚固的). At the same time, making shuttles is not a simple... bacteria (细菌) and make sure the shuttle stays tough (坚固的). Next, a machine puts the feathers ……
子辞典还是目前市场上同类产品中单词量最多的产品,适合专业翻译人士使用。在外型设计上,这两款辞典都有超清晰的大液晶显示屏,机身采用卡西欧坚固的铝合金外壳设计,内部采用高性能缓冲材料,使机身抗摔、耐压、防震。这两 ……